We all have many kinds of features. I collected 16 of them, and over the last day did four sets of polls to rank them according to four criteria:
Liked - what features of you do you most want to be liked for?
Pick - what features of them do you most use to pick associates?
Future - what features most cause future folks to be like them?
Improve - what features do you most want to improve in yourself?
Here are priorities (relative to 100 max) from 5984 poll responses:
As I find some of the Liked,Pick choices hard to believe, I see those as more showing our ideals re such features weights. F weights seem more believable to me.
Liked and Pick are strongly (0.85) correlated, but both are uncorrelated (-0.02,-0.08) with Future. Improve is correlated with all three (L:0.48, P:0.35, F:0.56), suggesting we choose what to improve as a combo of what influences future and what we want to be liked for now. (Best fit of Improve as linear combo of others is I = 1.12*L-0.94*P+0.33*F.)
Can anyone help me understand these patterns?
I do not understand what Future means.
I think these answers make perfect sense. People want to be liked for things that they feel are internal to themselves and can't be lost. We don't want to be liked for our wealth or looks or connections, because those things are all easy to lose, and that would mean no one liked us anymore. Wit, taste, insight, etc. are all features people feel they "inherently" have.
But what people WANT more of, for themselves, are the things that they think will actually increase their power and improve their lives, relative to others.