It was in the link when he originally posted it. Search for "James Davidson phones and asks to speak with Ann Jones" on https://nces.ed.gov/NAAL/sa... to find it and related questions.

The numbers appear to differ, but AB60303 appears to be an exact match. I'm guessing it's just from a different year.

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Where the hell is question AB30901? Can't find it anywhere on the internet. Why would a big brained genius use this as a sample?

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In French you would say "je et mes amis", and "he" only translates to "I"

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That the US was overwhelmingly white stands without question, but I'd like to see the source on

"as late as 1950 there were more Swiss in the U.S. than Mexicans."

That is a little bit hard for me to picture. Operation Wetback alone targeted more than one million Mexicans for deportation, while total net Swiss migration to the US from 1820 to 1950 is only 306,227. After pegging births/deaths to this number I'd say the number of Swiss Americans total could not be more than 500,000-700,000 at that time in the '50s. The last census data puts the number of Swiss-Americans at ~900,000 in 2013...*


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I only sound that way lying garbage like you.

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"Ha ha, the US was never White!" Little Peter has learned to parrot socialist propaganda like a good boy. Fact: as late as 1950 there were more Swiss in the U.S. than Mexicans. The U.S. was always overwhelmingly White, at least 90%. That only changed in the last decades with the Left's plan to import voters in order to enrich themselves. But you are too dishonest to acknowledge that. Of course, if you were honest you wouldn't be a leftist.

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Jimmyboy, you sound like a severely disturbed person, full of yourself. You should listen more to others, but it seems you are too much in love with seeing your own words in print.

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"Uh, no, that's blatantly wrong" - My, how smart you sound starting your post with arrogant crap like that.

"ranks in the top 2% of Mensans" - I think you mean you rank in the top 2% of the population's IQ, which is the qualification needed for Mensa membership. Mensa does not hand out stats on how a member ranks within the membership. Which you'd know if you actually were a member.

I am in Mensa. You say "people who think they are smart tend to vastly overrate how smart they are". I think that opinion is common for all people, not just those who "think they are smart", which is a nonsense category. A better category would be to say "people who are smart tend to...." but you couldn't bear calling Mensa members smart, could you? I suspect you are not in Mensa at all.

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If you're white, a vote for (D) is a vote against your interests. ____

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If you're white, a vote for (D) is a vote against your interests.

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What you may not realize is the ratios in the cities where the unions are able to survive because of the size and complexity of the projects is less than 50%

True, I didn't realize this.

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I don't understand how disappearance of native workers from the construction labor force be attributed to affirmative action (given the ratios in the general population). I've observed the same change, but nothing you've said dissuades me that the issue isn't wage undercutters. [I do agree affirmative action is a bad thing, particularly when it overrides labor-union rights.]

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Myy minority co-workers are excellent and non-corrupt. I don't resent them or their families and people. The future looks bright. Take a chill pill.

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It's puzzling that immigrant construction workers are employed despite their incompetence when many native workers have been shoved out of the labor force.

The solution to the puzzle, I conjecture, is that the immigrant workers receive wages below the level acceptable to native workers.

What do you think about a dramatic hike in the minimum wage - say to $15, including agricultural labor? This would block the employment of low-wage migrant labor.

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I am working class, somewhat upwardly mobile (hopefully) but working class the nonetheless. I work along side Hispanics and don't resent them.

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I'm no WN (any more than I'm a "liberal," as one of your opponents accused me). But when you extol Brazil's racist society ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wi... ) as an example to be followed, you're taking a position as repugnant to me as WN.

[For my views on migration, see http://weeklyworker.co.uk/w... , third letter, titled (not by me) "Marxist Borders".]

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