If an advanced civilisation wanted to tell us not to attempt interstellar colonisation, why would they use such an ambiguous method as sending flying orbs that are explicable as camera glare and mylar balloons?
It's as if, in your analogy, instead of Sam being explicitly told to ask about royal propriety, the stranger left graffiti of a crown or a Burger King wrapper in the toilet and expected him to deduce that he was royalty from those ambiguous hints.
The anti-colonization aliens could send an unambigous message without revealing anything much about themselves. For example, they could simply have a clearly artificial and alien probe broadcast a message ('ALL THESE WORLDS ARE YOURS UP TO THE OORT CLOUD - ATTEMPT NO LANDING ELSEWHERE'), then self-destruct.
Perhaps the aliens have secretly sent an unambiguous message to Earth elites who have chosen to keep it secret. But if they want to warn a whole civilisation against expansion, why would they only contact elites, who might suppress, ignore and forget the message? It seems like it would be more robust to warn a whole civilisation.
The ambiguous message of merely demonstrating extraordinary capabilities doesn't seem like it would deter expansion. It might spur elites to fund telescopes to find the alien home planet, and even interstellar probes. Elites might also wrongly conclude that the aliens are time travellers or from another dimension, which would not deter expansion.
I'm estimating that aliens estimate our elites to be smarter than you are estimating, at least over a long time period and at the time they care about. They don't so much care about what we think in our earlier stupid periods.
> The ambiguous message of merely demonstrating extraordinary capabilities doesn't seem like it would deter expansion. It might spur elites to fund telescopes to find the alien home planet, and even interstellar probes.
consider the case that UFOs are real, and here to present that very ambiguous message. in this case, smart people relay it to you, but you don’t believe them. the people wielding public resources will fail to persuade you and the rest of the public to increase spending on SETI-like programs. the people wielding business resources (say, future SpaceX) will understand enough to direct their expansionary plans away from the aliens, so their business may stay afloat. mission accomplished.
what good would the aliens get for the broader public knowing of them?
This seems to assume that elites are both widely convinced that UFOs are aliens and have interpreted the message correctly. Not sure I see any evidence of that. If the US military correctly interprets the apparent orbs as a warning, why would it declassify the videos and release a report asking for further investigation of the phenomenon? Elon Musk doesn’t seem the kind of guy to keep quiet if he thinks UFOs are an alien warning - although on the other hand I guess we are a long way away from interstellar probes being a practical project, which also raises the question of why the “warnings” started so early. Aliens want to warn us off interstellar expansion, so wouldn’t it make more sense to send the warning closer to the point when that’s being considered? UFOs started to be seen before the moon landing.
Why wouldn't they get caught on camera a bit more distinctly then? Like go fly above a super bowl for a couple minutes to really provide a ton of evidence they exist, instead of only appear in debatable settings?
The Quirk parable, as incredibly strained as it is, is still far from analogous to our actual situation with UFOs. You need the royal pedo-stalker to wax and wane with Sam's paranoid fantasies and not change or evolve over time (but continue to be weirdly low-tech like whispers in a bathroom), and for Sam to regularly record these monitory whispers and show they were actually overhead conversations about the recent coronation or something, and only 1 or 2 out of the many thousands he obsessively investigates seem to ever hold up, while he is now being targeted by scammers and conmen who have heard about his royal-propriety hallucinations and are hacking his computer to use the speaker at night, all this while the royal family has been bankrupted and rendered ordinary citizens by republican activism, with regular reports from historians that all the royals have died without offspring, and so on and so forth. Only when you add on a bunch of these, does Sam's position actually begin to approximate humanity's position with the vast corpus of UFO reports being regularly debunked, fabricated, retold into legend, increasing for clearly sociological/fictional reasons while defying tech advances, scientific research into SETI turning up ever vaster null results... If there was all this, and Sam kept hearing auditory hallucinations about persecution with no accompany visual or physical evidence, he would be well-advised to check himself into therapy for paranoid-schizophrenia while it's still treatable before he develops more serious psychosis.
Presumably the fact that after thinking about it for what, a few years, this seems like the most likely explanation to you shouldn't be very strong evidence to anyone. I mean the vast vast vast majority of theories that anyone comes up with about anything are false and this seems to be particularly far in the speculative direction not to mention is the result of a single person speculating without others to poke holes in it.
To be clear, that's not a reason not to share it. That's literally doing the work that needs doing. Just clarifying the epistemic status.
That's fair. I think you are 100% wrong about UFOs but I think we are far too unwilling to share socially unpopular theories and we all benefit if people are willing to stand up and make the arguments they find convincing so I admire your willingness to publicly defend this belief (and it's no more wrong than many socially acceptable views with real harms...rent control).
I have never seen any UAP report that I found to be convincing or impressive. The very best ones seem to be reports taken from fast moving aircraft. What's the best two or three reports? What report isn't likely to be?:
-Optical artifacts from digital recordings
-Automatic image stabilization and re-orientation
-Close things that are appear to be far away and other perspective-based illusions
-Two different things that are being perceived at the same time and mistaken for one thing
It is possible that a) our part of the galaxy is full of undetectable life and b) one of our cousin-civilizations is ideological about expansion or being visible in a very specific way and c) they have a perfect record of being *almost* detected hundreds of thousands of times; they know exactly where every detector is and what's capabilities are d) they want to communicate very much and do so very frequently but they want to only do that in the most oblique, subtle way that is only taken seriously by: astrologers, your aunt who keeps getting tricked by new pyramid schemes, and your friend from high school who lives with his parents because they are the only ones who can get him to take his Haloperidol.
I think the odds of that causal chain being the explanation for UAPs to be less than 1-in-1,000,000,000. I think the odds that some pretty convincing UAP observations are actual a mylar party balloon showing up on radar at the coincidental same time a drone becomes visible to a pilot nearby.
If the alien civ wanted to prevent neighboring planets from spawning civs and expanding, why not just destroy the other civs, or make the nearby planets inhospitable before they spawn civs?
I understand that we're beginning with some data points (1. we are early in the universe, 2. we see no civs in distant stars, 3. UFOs might be extraterrestrials ), and then thinking of ways to explain those data points.
But an explanation that makes more sense to me is that a nearby alien civ has chosen to delay its expansion, because expansion will make it detectable. It knows it will eventually meet (and likely fight) other civs, and it wants to collect useful data before this happens. So while it is remaining quiet (not expanding) it sent probes to neighbors to collect data on other civs as they emerge and develop, thus gaining insight for its eventual contact with competitor civs.
This would explain why the probes (UFOs) do not explicitly reveal themselves, but are still vaguely observable. They are trying to collect data on us without disturbing our development, because that would contaminate the experiment.
(edit): Delaying expansion would be a gamble. Essentially it boils down to a bet that territory is less valuable than data (on independently-spawned civs), when you eventually contact other expansionist competitor civs.
Given the existence of said aliens, we need an explanation for why they haven't destroyed/enslaved us and why we don't see any evidence of them (besides UFOs, assumed to be alien).
1. explains why we don't see evidence of them.
2. explains why, given 1., the only evidence we see of them are sporadic UFO flights.
I'm not disputing that powerful aliens *might* want to destroy or enslave us, but why should we *assume* that's true? I seem to be missing a step in the argument.
Personally I think Robin's original argument does not do a very convincing job of explaining why the available UFO data + lack of other observational data of alien life should lead to his particular story of their actions and motivations. To me it seems like far too specific and speculative. a conclusion even given his grabby aliens work. But *if* we start from a premise of "There exist highly advanced aliens in our cosmic vicinity who don't want any civilization to expand beyond its home planet," then the options reduce to crippling, destroying, enslaving, negotiating with, or blockading us. Destroying is by far the easiest and most reliable.
Is there a more plausible explanation for why star-faring aliens haven't colonized the universe and are limiting their interactions to UFOs? Robin's seems the most plausible.
But also, given that the "most plausible" explanation is highly specific and speculative, that seems to me to be a good reason to believe UFOs are not actually aliens.
Given the premises of "there are aliens, but they don't want to colonize or let anyone else colonize," my first thought is, "Assume FTL travel and communication really are impossible. Then maybe they see no point in having multiple star systems to themselves, because then they'd be many variants and fragments of a civilization, not a single large civilization." Maybe, then, they believe that the value in having life in many systems would come from their diversity of forms, paths, and minds, rather than just greater numbers of themselves. Then you'd really want to not interfere in other biospheres, while still learning what and how other sapients think.
It's also entirely possible they *are* doing largescale astro-engineering to all the uninhabited systems, sending data, matter, and energy back home, while expending a tiny fraction of it to hide that fact from planets with life.
I don't think interstellar travel will ever be possible for any civilization, it just seems impossible due to the (what I suppose is) the amount of energy required. But I'm happy to be convinced otherwise.
They are star-faring, so their technology is much greater than ours. It *must* be explained why they haven't destroyed/enslaved us yet despite it very likely being in their power (assuming they exist). It is not *assumed* they want to destroy us, but the hypothesis must explain why *they haven't done so.*
Of all the possible ways they a technologically advanced star-faring civilization could interact with us, all we have is some sporadic UFO sightings, so the hypothesis must explain *why* they are limiting themselves to that.
We don't see any evidence that the universe is colonized, so the hypothesis is that they are able to stop others from doing so. One very easy way to stop other civilizations from colonizing the universe is to destroy them in their infancy. So why didn't they destroy us and are instead doing fly-bys with UFOs?
How is it that aliens wanting to kill us doesn't need an explanation, but them not wanting to kill us does? Why the asymmetry? Serious question, and this is about the 5th time I've asked it. Not only am I not getting any answer, but also it seems no one can even understand the question. What's going on here?
Isn't the question why would they want to? You don't need to travel all this way to destroy us, just send a rock our way. So if they're here, they are anthropologists, this is zoo, this is entertainment, etc.
I think in context my answer would be "because destroying us should be dramatically easier for an interstellar civilization than containing us peacefully would be."
Personally I consider the fact that we weren't wiped out somewhere in the neolithic evidence against non-friendly aliens being present. Any civilization advanced enough to get here could send a mining robot and build a bunch of nukes to render the surface uninhabitable by our ancestors at any time.
I consider enslavement unlikely because... what can we do that they can't do with automation?
"because destroying us should be dramatically easier ... than containing us ..." still seems to contain an assumption, namely that the aliens think it's necessary to do one or the other.
If an alien wanted to send a positive message, how would they do it without creating chaos on Earth? Isn’t it plausible that there’s no way for them to communicate in a way we would trust?
It's funny how people perceive the presence of 'aliens' but at the same time ignore the possibility of a greater being. The need to colonize is written into our DNA, but even after we colonize the very last planet, what next? One thing is certain, human life is finite, only the soul is infinite, this life is temporary and that's what we actually fear.
Not sure how you get that the alien civ is c. 100M years old?
That may be the rough expected development date given panspermia type assumptions, but seems like it should be weighed against the likelihood that they can survive and maintain a rough stasis for such a long time.
Consider an alternative: An advanced civilization of aliens (possibly many more than one species) has examined their own history, their history of contact with other planets, as well as their exploration of planets where intelligent civilizations has long ago risen and become extinct.
They have concluded that if contacted by the broader interstellar community too early, intelligent species tend to miss out on some of the most important steps in the process they must follow to become a mature and resilient species with a coherent identity and culture. This is bad. On the other hand, they've noticed that if intelligent species aren't contacted at all, they risk turning their increasingly brilliant minds to more entertaining things, and fail to do the difficult work required to truly leave the nest, leading them down another path to eventual extinction.
So what to do? You can't contact them and *give* them technology and philosophy. They have to come up with it themselves. But you don't want to sit by and watch them jack themselves into video games en masse and fail to work on harder things like physics, engineering, and perpetuating their own species. That's bad, too. And pretty depressing to witness.
What about showing up every now and again, inexplicably, and in ways that don't leave evidence, and are nuanced enough not to serve as undeniable proof? You're not *contacting* them. You're teasing. Poking. Reminding them that actually, there might be cooler things out in the universe than their video games. So they should keep their eyes open and keep doing the very hard work to make their way out there one day.
Their relative unobtrusiveness could perhaps be better explained under the Dark Forest hypothesis, if an alien species wishes to still covertly communicate with others without triggering outside intervention. In such a case, it would be important to keep plausible deniability, under the assumption that our planet is being loosely monitored by a cosmic inquisition of sorts.
Also, perhaps the goal is not expansionism *or* boxing us in, but some third thing which is accomplished by occasional hints of extraterrestrial intelligence. Some possible goals might include:
—religious reasons (this is part of some ritual or rite)
—a game or puzzle (possibly with a “reward” at the end if we solve/beat it)
—entertainment (similar to above but with less goal-directedness)
—encouraging development of specific technologies without direct intervention
—occasional incompetence/mistakes/glitches in “cloaking” abilities
I agree - the lack of Loud Aliens has never really bothered me - I think there are a wealth of reasons for them to keep quiet, especially since we can't yet accurately forecast the social and psychic (as in psyche, not woo) changes that will come about with more advanced tech. I also think we're kind of doing the equivalent of looking for campfire smoke in the mountains while those we're looking for are already on solar. However, I acknowledge that saying that is a Pauli-neutrino-level sin in a debate where you're genuinely looking to quantify and reason. "They have magic!" essentially. I apologize, but I genuinely believe it, mostly based on the glimpses of inexplicable UFOs we've recorded.
If you haven't already, though, I'd check out Mick West's work explaining many UFO sightings. I want desperately to believe in the possibility of alien contact in my lifetime, but his work made me downgrade my hope of this significantly.
This hypothesis is testable: once we (humanity) build (or attempt to build) a first off-world settlement (be it on the Moon, Mars or Ceres), they would have to do something about it, as it touches on their core motivation of coming here in the first place. In fact, finding out how they react to such a "provocation" might already be worth to attempt it, given that it will determine or strongly influence the next ~100 Ma of our civilization.
But if your scenario is really the world we live in: wouldn't it be weird that we just happen to live in the short era just before externally enforced stagnation, which would then last much longer (i.e., contain more self-sampling viewpoints) than all of human history up to this point? Wouldn't this suggest that its much more likely that we live in a world on the way to externally enforced extermination, soon?
If an advanced civilisation wanted to tell us not to attempt interstellar colonisation, why would they use such an ambiguous method as sending flying orbs that are explicable as camera glare and mylar balloons?
It's as if, in your analogy, instead of Sam being explicitly told to ask about royal propriety, the stranger left graffiti of a crown or a Burger King wrapper in the toilet and expected him to deduce that he was royalty from those ambiguous hints.
The anti-colonization aliens could send an unambigous message without revealing anything much about themselves. For example, they could simply have a clearly artificial and alien probe broadcast a message ('ALL THESE WORLDS ARE YOURS UP TO THE OORT CLOUD - ATTEMPT NO LANDING ELSEWHERE'), then self-destruct.
Perhaps the aliens have secretly sent an unambiguous message to Earth elites who have chosen to keep it secret. But if they want to warn a whole civilisation against expansion, why would they only contact elites, who might suppress, ignore and forget the message? It seems like it would be more robust to warn a whole civilisation.
The ambiguous message of merely demonstrating extraordinary capabilities doesn't seem like it would deter expansion. It might spur elites to fund telescopes to find the alien home planet, and even interstellar probes. Elites might also wrongly conclude that the aliens are time travellers or from another dimension, which would not deter expansion.
I'm estimating that aliens estimate our elites to be smarter than you are estimating, at least over a long time period and at the time they care about. They don't so much care about what we think in our earlier stupid periods.
> The ambiguous message of merely demonstrating extraordinary capabilities doesn't seem like it would deter expansion. It might spur elites to fund telescopes to find the alien home planet, and even interstellar probes.
consider the case that UFOs are real, and here to present that very ambiguous message. in this case, smart people relay it to you, but you don’t believe them. the people wielding public resources will fail to persuade you and the rest of the public to increase spending on SETI-like programs. the people wielding business resources (say, future SpaceX) will understand enough to direct their expansionary plans away from the aliens, so their business may stay afloat. mission accomplished.
what good would the aliens get for the broader public knowing of them?
This seems to assume that elites are both widely convinced that UFOs are aliens and have interpreted the message correctly. Not sure I see any evidence of that. If the US military correctly interprets the apparent orbs as a warning, why would it declassify the videos and release a report asking for further investigation of the phenomenon? Elon Musk doesn’t seem the kind of guy to keep quiet if he thinks UFOs are an alien warning - although on the other hand I guess we are a long way away from interstellar probes being a practical project, which also raises the question of why the “warnings” started so early. Aliens want to warn us off interstellar expansion, so wouldn’t it make more sense to send the warning closer to the point when that’s being considered? UFOs started to be seen before the moon landing.
Why wouldn't they get caught on camera a bit more distinctly then? Like go fly above a super bowl for a couple minutes to really provide a ton of evidence they exist, instead of only appear in debatable settings?
The Quirk parable, as incredibly strained as it is, is still far from analogous to our actual situation with UFOs. You need the royal pedo-stalker to wax and wane with Sam's paranoid fantasies and not change or evolve over time (but continue to be weirdly low-tech like whispers in a bathroom), and for Sam to regularly record these monitory whispers and show they were actually overhead conversations about the recent coronation or something, and only 1 or 2 out of the many thousands he obsessively investigates seem to ever hold up, while he is now being targeted by scammers and conmen who have heard about his royal-propriety hallucinations and are hacking his computer to use the speaker at night, all this while the royal family has been bankrupted and rendered ordinary citizens by republican activism, with regular reports from historians that all the royals have died without offspring, and so on and so forth. Only when you add on a bunch of these, does Sam's position actually begin to approximate humanity's position with the vast corpus of UFO reports being regularly debunked, fabricated, retold into legend, increasing for clearly sociological/fictional reasons while defying tech advances, scientific research into SETI turning up ever vaster null results... If there was all this, and Sam kept hearing auditory hallucinations about persecution with no accompany visual or physical evidence, he would be well-advised to check himself into therapy for paranoid-schizophrenia while it's still treatable before he develops more serious psychosis.
Presumably the fact that after thinking about it for what, a few years, this seems like the most likely explanation to you shouldn't be very strong evidence to anyone. I mean the vast vast vast majority of theories that anyone comes up with about anything are false and this seems to be particularly far in the speculative direction not to mention is the result of a single person speculating without others to poke holes in it.
To be clear, that's not a reason not to share it. That's literally doing the work that needs doing. Just clarifying the epistemic status.
I link above to a post describing taboos over theorizing about explaining UFOs. So I'm doing what I can to break those taboos.
That's fair. I think you are 100% wrong about UFOs but I think we are far too unwilling to share socially unpopular theories and we all benefit if people are willing to stand up and make the arguments they find convincing so I admire your willingness to publicly defend this belief (and it's no more wrong than many socially acceptable views with real harms...rent control).
I have never seen any UAP report that I found to be convincing or impressive. The very best ones seem to be reports taken from fast moving aircraft. What's the best two or three reports? What report isn't likely to be?:
-Optical artifacts from digital recordings
-Automatic image stabilization and re-orientation
-Close things that are appear to be far away and other perspective-based illusions
-Two different things that are being perceived at the same time and mistaken for one thing
It is possible that a) our part of the galaxy is full of undetectable life and b) one of our cousin-civilizations is ideological about expansion or being visible in a very specific way and c) they have a perfect record of being *almost* detected hundreds of thousands of times; they know exactly where every detector is and what's capabilities are d) they want to communicate very much and do so very frequently but they want to only do that in the most oblique, subtle way that is only taken seriously by: astrologers, your aunt who keeps getting tricked by new pyramid schemes, and your friend from high school who lives with his parents because they are the only ones who can get him to take his Haloperidol.
I think the odds of that causal chain being the explanation for UAPs to be less than 1-in-1,000,000,000. I think the odds that some pretty convincing UAP observations are actual a mylar party balloon showing up on radar at the coincidental same time a drone becomes visible to a pilot nearby.
If the alien civ wanted to prevent neighboring planets from spawning civs and expanding, why not just destroy the other civs, or make the nearby planets inhospitable before they spawn civs?
I understand that we're beginning with some data points (1. we are early in the universe, 2. we see no civs in distant stars, 3. UFOs might be extraterrestrials ), and then thinking of ways to explain those data points.
But an explanation that makes more sense to me is that a nearby alien civ has chosen to delay its expansion, because expansion will make it detectable. It knows it will eventually meet (and likely fight) other civs, and it wants to collect useful data before this happens. So while it is remaining quiet (not expanding) it sent probes to neighbors to collect data on other civs as they emerge and develop, thus gaining insight for its eventual contact with competitor civs.
This would explain why the probes (UFOs) do not explicitly reveal themselves, but are still vaguely observable. They are trying to collect data on us without disturbing our development, because that would contaminate the experiment.
(edit): Delaying expansion would be a gamble. Essentially it boils down to a bet that territory is less valuable than data (on independently-spawned civs), when you eventually contact other expansionist competitor civs.
This doesn’t make any sense to me.
Sorry, I don't understand why either of the following seem likely (given the existence of aliens advanced enough to have the relevant powers):
1. "That civilization chose to prevent any part of itself from leaving to colonize the universe..."
2. "The main motive was to prevent ... “panspermia sibling” civilizations from violating their rule against expansion."
What am I missing? Thanks, Robin!
Given the existence of said aliens, we need an explanation for why they haven't destroyed/enslaved us and why we don't see any evidence of them (besides UFOs, assumed to be alien).
1. explains why we don't see evidence of them.
2. explains why, given 1., the only evidence we see of them are sporadic UFO flights.
I'm not disputing that powerful aliens *might* want to destroy or enslave us, but why should we *assume* that's true? I seem to be missing a step in the argument.
Personally I think Robin's original argument does not do a very convincing job of explaining why the available UFO data + lack of other observational data of alien life should lead to his particular story of their actions and motivations. To me it seems like far too specific and speculative. a conclusion even given his grabby aliens work. But *if* we start from a premise of "There exist highly advanced aliens in our cosmic vicinity who don't want any civilization to expand beyond its home planet," then the options reduce to crippling, destroying, enslaving, negotiating with, or blockading us. Destroying is by far the easiest and most reliable.
Is there a more plausible explanation for why star-faring aliens haven't colonized the universe and are limiting their interactions to UFOs? Robin's seems the most plausible.
But also, given that the "most plausible" explanation is highly specific and speculative, that seems to me to be a good reason to believe UFOs are not actually aliens.
Given the premises of "there are aliens, but they don't want to colonize or let anyone else colonize," my first thought is, "Assume FTL travel and communication really are impossible. Then maybe they see no point in having multiple star systems to themselves, because then they'd be many variants and fragments of a civilization, not a single large civilization." Maybe, then, they believe that the value in having life in many systems would come from their diversity of forms, paths, and minds, rather than just greater numbers of themselves. Then you'd really want to not interfere in other biospheres, while still learning what and how other sapients think.
It's also entirely possible they *are* doing largescale astro-engineering to all the uninhabited systems, sending data, matter, and energy back home, while expending a tiny fraction of it to hide that fact from planets with life.
I don't think interstellar travel will ever be possible for any civilization, it just seems impossible due to the (what I suppose is) the amount of energy required. But I'm happy to be convinced otherwise.
They are star-faring, so their technology is much greater than ours. It *must* be explained why they haven't destroyed/enslaved us yet despite it very likely being in their power (assuming they exist). It is not *assumed* they want to destroy us, but the hypothesis must explain why *they haven't done so.*
Of all the possible ways they a technologically advanced star-faring civilization could interact with us, all we have is some sporadic UFO sightings, so the hypothesis must explain *why* they are limiting themselves to that.
We don't see any evidence that the universe is colonized, so the hypothesis is that they are able to stop others from doing so. One very easy way to stop other civilizations from colonizing the universe is to destroy them in their infancy. So why didn't they destroy us and are instead doing fly-bys with UFOs?
Given star-faring aliens, it seems to me the most likely reason they haven't destroyed us, is that they don't want to. What is the counter-argument?
We already know they don't want to, otherwise we'd be dead. What we need is an explanation for *why* they don't want to.
How is it that aliens wanting to kill us doesn't need an explanation, but them not wanting to kill us does? Why the asymmetry? Serious question, and this is about the 5th time I've asked it. Not only am I not getting any answer, but also it seems no one can even understand the question. What's going on here?
Isn't the question why would they want to? You don't need to travel all this way to destroy us, just send a rock our way. So if they're here, they are anthropologists, this is zoo, this is entertainment, etc.
I think in context my answer would be "because destroying us should be dramatically easier for an interstellar civilization than containing us peacefully would be."
Personally I consider the fact that we weren't wiped out somewhere in the neolithic evidence against non-friendly aliens being present. Any civilization advanced enough to get here could send a mining robot and build a bunch of nukes to render the surface uninhabitable by our ancestors at any time.
I consider enslavement unlikely because... what can we do that they can't do with automation?
"because destroying us should be dramatically easier ... than containing us ..." still seems to contain an assumption, namely that the aliens think it's necessary to do one or the other.
Okay, but why?
If an alien wanted to send a positive message, how would they do it without creating chaos on Earth? Isn’t it plausible that there’s no way for them to communicate in a way we would trust?
> Many suggest that UFOs-as-aliens would put us in a position of radical uncertainty
In other words, this is what it would take for them to admit their natural limitations as human beings? Sheesh.
My general impression of this is the ships could be larger, and more clearly NOT human, while sticking to the overall strategy.
A wide variety of sizes have been reported, some quite large.
It's funny how people perceive the presence of 'aliens' but at the same time ignore the possibility of a greater being. The need to colonize is written into our DNA, but even after we colonize the very last planet, what next? One thing is certain, human life is finite, only the soul is infinite, this life is temporary and that's what we actually fear.
Not sure how you get that the alien civ is c. 100M years old?
That may be the rough expected development date given panspermia type assumptions, but seems like it should be weighed against the likelihood that they can survive and maintain a rough stasis for such a long time.
I said GREATER than ~100Gya. Less would be too much of a timing coincidence.
Consider an alternative: An advanced civilization of aliens (possibly many more than one species) has examined their own history, their history of contact with other planets, as well as their exploration of planets where intelligent civilizations has long ago risen and become extinct.
They have concluded that if contacted by the broader interstellar community too early, intelligent species tend to miss out on some of the most important steps in the process they must follow to become a mature and resilient species with a coherent identity and culture. This is bad. On the other hand, they've noticed that if intelligent species aren't contacted at all, they risk turning their increasingly brilliant minds to more entertaining things, and fail to do the difficult work required to truly leave the nest, leading them down another path to eventual extinction.
So what to do? You can't contact them and *give* them technology and philosophy. They have to come up with it themselves. But you don't want to sit by and watch them jack themselves into video games en masse and fail to work on harder things like physics, engineering, and perpetuating their own species. That's bad, too. And pretty depressing to witness.
What about showing up every now and again, inexplicably, and in ways that don't leave evidence, and are nuanced enough not to serve as undeniable proof? You're not *contacting* them. You're teasing. Poking. Reminding them that actually, there might be cooler things out in the universe than their video games. So they should keep their eyes open and keep doing the very hard work to make their way out there one day.
That doesn't explain why the universe looks so dead, if there have been aliens everywhere in it for billions of years.
Their relative unobtrusiveness could perhaps be better explained under the Dark Forest hypothesis, if an alien species wishes to still covertly communicate with others without triggering outside intervention. In such a case, it would be important to keep plausible deniability, under the assumption that our planet is being loosely monitored by a cosmic inquisition of sorts.
Also, perhaps the goal is not expansionism *or* boxing us in, but some third thing which is accomplished by occasional hints of extraterrestrial intelligence. Some possible goals might include:
—religious reasons (this is part of some ritual or rite)
—a game or puzzle (possibly with a “reward” at the end if we solve/beat it)
—entertainment (similar to above but with less goal-directedness)
—encouraging development of specific technologies without direct intervention
—occasional incompetence/mistakes/glitches in “cloaking” abilities
I don't think the dark forest story can work as an equilibrium over billions of years. It would be too easy to deviate and win.
I agree - the lack of Loud Aliens has never really bothered me - I think there are a wealth of reasons for them to keep quiet, especially since we can't yet accurately forecast the social and psychic (as in psyche, not woo) changes that will come about with more advanced tech. I also think we're kind of doing the equivalent of looking for campfire smoke in the mountains while those we're looking for are already on solar. However, I acknowledge that saying that is a Pauli-neutrino-level sin in a debate where you're genuinely looking to quantify and reason. "They have magic!" essentially. I apologize, but I genuinely believe it, mostly based on the glimpses of inexplicable UFOs we've recorded.
If you haven't already, though, I'd check out Mick West's work explaining many UFO sightings. I want desperately to believe in the possibility of alien contact in my lifetime, but his work made me downgrade my hope of this significantly.
That said - I consider the Grabby Aliens hypothesis a really important addition to the field!!
This hypothesis is testable: once we (humanity) build (or attempt to build) a first off-world settlement (be it on the Moon, Mars or Ceres), they would have to do something about it, as it touches on their core motivation of coming here in the first place. In fact, finding out how they react to such a "provocation" might already be worth to attempt it, given that it will determine or strongly influence the next ~100 Ma of our civilization.
But if your scenario is really the world we live in: wouldn't it be weird that we just happen to live in the short era just before externally enforced stagnation, which would then last much longer (i.e., contain more self-sampling viewpoints) than all of human history up to this point? Wouldn't this suggest that its much more likely that we live in a world on the way to externally enforced extermination, soon?
More plausible that they don't mind colonization within our solar system, but would object to interstellar colonization.
This frame suggests that they would particularly make contact with rocket moguls. Ask Elon?