I didn't vote in this poll, and I'm curious about the non-human respondents (and specifically how many of them are saucer-flying reptilians from deep within the hollow earth). I expect that your non-white respondents are highly unrepresentative of the US population.

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94pct male skew could be impacting responses to other questions too no?

As for race, a) subsplit of non white (eg black vs asian) is likely to affect response and b) i suspect it's also the question where people are most likely to vote their opinions on what they "should" think rather than what they actually think

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Regarding the white/non-white divide I wonder if your results aren't substantially biased by who your respondents are. I kinda suspect that most of your non-white respondents are asian/indian while most of the polarization we see is about black vs. white.

And on the white side I expect there is a strong social desierability bias here in terms of not reporting favor (maybe that affects real life deciscions too so it's valis but I think we need more information).

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I don't think age is an up/down kind of thing (looks like the greater partiality is with the youth while thats also considered the 'up' side). I expect that's just different because it's the unique case where everyone who is old not only remembers being young but often has a strong investment in the young (children).

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It'd be really cool seeing this methodology on more/larger populations

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