Being polite is an evident bias, but often seen as a minor one – at its worse, equivalent to a white lie. But politeness has a more sinister side, biasing people’s perception of the truthfulness of other (see for instance why some groups failed in this study).
Especially in critical situations, politeness has a detrimental effect. When dealing with doctors reporting their medical opinions, perceived politeness is the issue:
The more severe the condition, the greater the chance that the listener construes the [use of a probability qualifier such as “possible”] as a politeness marker rather than as an uncertainty marker.
In other words, “you may have cancer” is taken as “you certainly have cancer, but I’m being polite” while “you may have a cold” is accepted at face value. The expectation of politeness clouds clarity at a critical juncture, and exaggerates the risks.
Conversely, politeness can also decrease people’s perception of risk. When companies decide – or are forced – to publish a product recall notice, their aim is to give consumers clear information and to warn them of a possible danger. But they also deploy various politeness strategies within the recall notice to protect their corporate image. These strategies don’t bias customers’ perceptions of the dangers if the risk is low. However,
[in high risk situations] the use of politeness strategies […] seems to have a negative effect on the acceptability of the recall message.
Politeness, whether present or absent, looked for or unexpected, is a source of potentially dangerous bias.
Yes, we are taught to always say "please" and "thank you", that's why not saying them says so much.Politeness is not just a convention. On the politeness axis, around the zero point, we first need to reserve space for non-recognition. How else to express that you are taking people for granted, that they are invisible, that they are like appliances, that they are not worth two seconds of your time? Routine politeness raises the baseline slightly above zero in order to make room for non-recognition underneath. If a person holds a door for you, and you want express to them that as far as you're concerned you just walked through an automatic door, then your only option is to leave out the "thank you". I can't think of another way to do it. (Recognition cannot be negative.)
Meaningless words? How about "the" and "a"? They're basically meaningless, but we use them all the time anyway.