Six months ago I asked here what Tyler Cowen and I should discuss on Blogging Heads TV. I got sick on our scheduled day, but we are finally on again for Tuesday. Your suggestions from before are fine, but an awful lot has happened since – not quite
I think it would be a useful pissing contest if you both did a portion where you attempt to expose areas where the other is most vulnerable to ideological capture. It's a weird and limiting phenom to me, even on our brightest minds. If you wanted to go more meta, maybe explore your knowledge and intuitions about the tension between how ideology bounds epistemological activity, and how it may contribute to the animal spirits driving epistemological activity.
I hope you will talk at least a little about your respective analytical methodologies. You reached a certain impasse in your back-and-forth with Cowen about his references to you in his book, where he characterized your approach as "rational constructivist, the logical atomist, the reductionist, and the extreme Darwinian," and opposed his own perspective of "gradualism, pluralism, the partial irreduciblity of individual choice, the primacy of civilization, and yes also a certain degree of social artifice."
This might be the kind of thing that is usefully hammered out in conversation. I hope you won't decline to discuss it on the grounds that the nature of your disagreement isn't itself a weighty issue. It is very useful and productive (for me, anyway) to hear intelligent minds discuss methodology -- often more interesting than hearing specific views on the Issue of the Day.
Even *Economics for Dummies* would be above my head, but what I want to see is data, data, data. There is so much "The DOW will be at 234 in April," but no data to back it up. And who owes what to whom? What are my bank's (real) assets and (real) liabilities? Where's the best one place (several places?) to go for an understandable view of the data?
How will the financial crisis change or not change capitalism and global political/economic institutions long term? How should it? e.g., I'd like to hear more of your ideas on alternative institutions, particularly what the Internet and the "Wealth of Networks" (Benkler) makes possible that wasn't possible before.
Hmm, I thought about it some more, and maybe liberty vs efficiency isn't so bad after all. Just a poorly worded topic.
I don't think recent events should change what you and Tyler debate. Neither of you are macroeconomists. But Eliezer's suggestion of "why does Tyler expect a more normal future than you" is perhaps more relevant now than ever. I say go with that one.
How should the general public interpret what different economists are saying about the current crisis, stimulus package etc? Related, what should we make of (and what do you make of) respected economists lack of civility in addressing each other?
I hear this has now been performed. An upload is due soon, perhaps.
I think it would be a useful pissing contest if you both did a portion where you attempt to expose areas where the other is most vulnerable to ideological capture. It's a weird and limiting phenom to me, even on our brightest minds. If you wanted to go more meta, maybe explore your knowledge and intuitions about the tension between how ideology bounds epistemological activity, and how it may contribute to the animal spirits driving epistemological activity.
The economics of immortality.
How can (macro)economists know whether or not they are quacks?
I hope you will talk at least a little about your respective analytical methodologies. You reached a certain impasse in your back-and-forth with Cowen about his references to you in his book, where he characterized your approach as "rational constructivist, the logical atomist, the reductionist, and the extreme Darwinian," and opposed his own perspective of "gradualism, pluralism, the partial irreduciblity of individual choice, the primacy of civilization, and yes also a certain degree of social artifice."
This might be the kind of thing that is usefully hammered out in conversation. I hope you won't decline to discuss it on the grounds that the nature of your disagreement isn't itself a weighty issue. It is very useful and productive (for me, anyway) to hear intelligent minds discuss methodology -- often more interesting than hearing specific views on the Issue of the Day.
Even *Economics for Dummies* would be above my head, but what I want to see is data, data, data. There is so much "The DOW will be at 234 in April," but no data to back it up. And who owes what to whom? What are my bank's (real) assets and (real) liabilities? Where's the best one place (several places?) to go for an understandable view of the data?
Make a list of things you disagree about - and discuss those? Oh - and please try to avoid discussing current affairs ;-)
How will the financial crisis change or not change capitalism and global political/economic institutions long term? How should it? e.g., I'd like to hear more of your ideas on alternative institutions, particularly what the Internet and the "Wealth of Networks" (Benkler) makes possible that wasn't possible before.
To what extent does becoming deeply immersed in different cultures affect bias?
As a long time reader of both blogs, I can't wait for this. I would like to hear you and tyler talk about structural vs. policy reform.
Also, who is on what side in "liberty v. efficiency"?
Hmm, I thought about it some more, and maybe liberty vs efficiency isn't so bad after all. Just a poorly worded topic.
I don't think recent events should change what you and Tyler debate. Neither of you are macroeconomists. But Eliezer's suggestion of "why does Tyler expect a more normal future than you" is perhaps more relevant now than ever. I say go with that one.
Liberty vs efficiency? With all the good suggestions (i.e. mine), this is a major disappointment.
Will the debate be recorded or podcast or anything?
I would like to hear further debate about your status affiliation puzzles.
Liberty is essential to efficiency. If people aren't free they won't work - e.g. the famously bad service in the old USSR countries.
How should the general public interpret what different economists are saying about the current crisis, stimulus package etc? Related, what should we make of (and what do you make of) respected economists lack of civility in addressing each other?