Yea this sounds like a great idea, but the HUGE problem is that Paternity Tests are a JOKE! Yes, it's better than blood grouping, but just a little better! People who want to start an argument with me over this should do their OWN research, and by that I mean not repeating what "someone" has told them or what they have read, regardless of the source! Then find as much credible fact to support each fact and repeat! Even people with college degrees, Phds, etc... are just educated in what they have been TOLD, not through their OWN EXPERIMENTS! They are puppet robots just repeating flat out lies! Heck, MOST scientists these days are just working with discoveries, etc... from past Scientists from Decades ago, and some of that may even be Bullcrap! Paternity Tests aren't very "SCIENTIFIC" at all. Do you know that the INSTANT a mom points her finger at any man and says he's the father, the Probability of Paternity for THAT man starts at 50%, BEFORE ANY TESTING AT ALL? In states like Iowa, proof of Paternity is 95% or higher! Just on the Mother you are more than halfway SCREWED! There is only ONE EXAMPLE IN THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE WHERE SCIENCE HAS VOLUNTARILY STEPPED ASIDE AND ALLOWED ANYTHING TO BE MORE CREDIBLE THAN IT, AND IT'S PATERNITY TESTS! It only gets worse when you realize who designed EVERYTHING used in the interpretation process, and the whole thing for that matter and with one agenda, and I guarantee you it's NOT finding out who the TRUE (theres a reason I put "true" and it's DISGUSTING) Father is! They DO NOT care who the father is, but only the ability to PIN Paternity on a men is the only goal!

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Hello Brethren in the Lord,May the peace and unity of the holy spirit fall upon you and your entire family as you read this splendid message from the synagogue church of all nations (SCOAN).

Remember that our Lord Jesus Christ is still saying something as He is the deliverer, the healer and the same yesterday today and forever. God has used prophet TB Joshua morning water to work miracles and i know yours will not be a different in Jesus name!!!!

The God of prophet TB Joshua is a wonder working God. God have used the medium of the morning water to heal thousand of diseases, ranging from HIV AIDS, CANCER, BRAIN TURMOIL, TYPE 2 DIABETES, FINANCIAL BREAKTHROUGHS, FREEDOM FROM POVERTY, BUSINESS BREAKTHROUGH ETC. If you need the morning water, and you do not have the time or money to visit the synagogue church of all nations, you can get one by contacting our email.

Send an E-mail directly to ( scoan.onlineservice@gmail.com ) specifying what you need. 1

E-mail: scoan.onlineservice@gmail.com

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You can find more information about this topic in this article - https://www.genomia.cz/cz/p...

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Yup. Women with nothing to hide have nothing to be afraid of. Remember men, always ask for a paternity test before signing that birth certificate. Western women are NOT known for their loyalty and faithfulness.

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women are cheating cunning hypocrite hoes, and they ain't stupid either. They know that a paternity test would be the end of the gravy train.

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lol. Check and mate. Well played 'Guest'. Well played.

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If someone does not father children, they should never have an obligation to pay for the children of others. This should be enforced by accountability and transparency of genetic relations. The world is overpopulated as it is.

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It's not cheating

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A man with a cheating whore wife

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Courts have already established that Sabril is right. Men who murder their wives are indeed prosecuted and imprisoned or executed despite the fact that it leaves the children orphaned. As they should.

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DAAAYUUM! Game.Set.Match. Alex's point just got obliterated. GOOD JOB!!

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The harm would be the financial loss in raising a child he would likely not have chosen to be financially responsible for had he not been deceived.

Truth is the ultimate good. Utilitarian drivel notwithstanding. There is absolutely no reason to protect someone from the natural consequences of deception, so your argument about bitter single mothers holds no relevance. Think of the same argument in the context of murder. If a murderer is otherwise normal, has no intention of ever harming anyone again, (take this as a given for the purposes of argument) then we should not punish this murderer, because doing so does more harm to the accused than benefit to society. Especially if our hypothetical muderer is an especially productive member of society. Justice is the fatal flaw in all utilitarian systems, despite the best efforts of its advocates.

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My husband couldn’t conceive another child, but we bothwanted another one so we used donor sperm. He is the only father our son has ever known, or ever will know. He knowingly and voluntarily accepted theresponsibility to be a father to this specific child, just like adoptive parents accept the responsibility of the child they adopt. He has been in this with us since conception,and despite the differences in genetics, there is no such thing as a better or more complete father than him. He loves our son as much as he loves his biological children. We have agreed we will tell our son if genetic knowledge becomes an issue, or maybe when he is old enough to understand and past the high school years where this info could make him think less of his father, but for now neither of us want that info on the birth certificate that my child will undoubtedly see when he goes for his driver’s permit or during school registration. I am concerned about a mandatory test that knowledgeable fathers can’t opt out of. I do recognize the pressure that men are under to decline and trust their SO, but I think we need something that respects all men and their personal parenting decisions. The pediatrician involved should be allowed to council the man separately without the mother present (just like women are separated and counseled on some issues), and that the father should be allowed to “opt out” of the test with the physician’s approval. This info should NOT go on the child’s medical record or birth certificate, other than to say that paternity was not tested. That said, I also don’t think that a father should be able to walk away 10 years in because new information comes to light. Part of being a parent is committing to being a parent and being there for your child for the rest of your life, no matter what happens. But that really doesn’t matter, because if testing becomes the norm, that situation will go away in a few years. That said, I do believe that even biological fathers should have a way to “opt out” if they are not ready for children. Parenting is a major commitment, and no one should be forced into it. Just my oppinions!

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No Alex. I believe that everyone takes responsibility for their actions, Women and men....

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The compelling "win" is that I, the child, will know who my father is.

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Why not go half way and have it free and have a wavier that needs to be signed before a father can sign off on the birth certificate.

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