Back in 1983, at the young age of 18, my old friend Max More published an article saying he didn’t see what’s wrong with adults propositioning kids for sex.
Same i am 13 and i really want to have sex, i have read a lot of articles and Wikipedia pages which talk about sex. Where I live, in Greece, the age of consent is 15 and there is also the close in age excemption law. So why the fuck do people say that teens aged between 13-17 cant give consent. Some countries and half of the states in the USA have the close in age excemption law.... So since its perfectly legal for a 13 year old to have sex in some countries why do people say that children can't give consent??? It depends on the country that you live in whether teenagers aged between 13-17 can legaly have sex. Why is it legal if psychologists say that children can't give consent and their brains are not delevoped enough. If you use protection, like condoms or birth control for the female, you are having sex just for thr pleasure like videogames, movies etc. I am never going to br satisfied with my life until I have sex. I hate it that teenagers aged 13 have to wait 3 or 5 years just to legally have sex in some countries. I am fucking jealous of all the adults having sex why the fuck should i be waiting so long for it to be moral to have sex because society made it a 18+ thing only. I understand why smoking and gambling are 18+, these are activities that can seriously harm your mental health and physical heath. But sex is a healthy and fun thing to do, if you use condoms you are probably gonna be fine and probable not going get a girl pregnant. And if you do, people forget that abortion exists..... Also even if you are 18 or above you can still get a woman pregnant even though that wasn't your intention and your intention was pleasure. Am I fucked up in the head? In England the first age of consent law was set to 12....So why the fuck have they been changing it ever since? I think the age of consent should be set to 13 everywhere. I know that will never happen because every country has its own laws but i would like it to be 13.
Marx says groups are oppressed by a singular enemy (feminism does this), and that all relationships are power games (feminism also does this). And I read Jordan Peterson, he's the smart dumb guy's smart guy.
Everything is an expression of sexuality in a child. We just don't understand in the context of language that this is actually what we are doing as children. I've been having sex with my peers since long before I even knew what the world "sex" meant. Now I've always had a sort of diabolical intelligence, so I never got in the judgmental crosshairs of self-righteous adults. But the fears, the hypocrisy; it really didn't make sense to me. To me, sex was pleasure. It was just that simple.
By opening up about this here, I am simply bringing attention to an issue that modern society as a whole is too cowardly to address, as it crushes everything into its tiny little box of paranoia. And society is paranoid, fidgeting at the slightest change. A rain of legal and social bullets hail on anything that threatens to decrease the distance between Sex and what society considers an "irresponsible human, incapable of consent or conscious choice" (because... you know... 'responsibility' is the first word that comes to your mind when you think of two or more fully grown humans jamming their genitalia against each other). Yes, as children, we are naive about our life choices, about our health, and our need to acquire information, to educate ourselves. But the one course in which humans of any age have never been proven to need any tutoring... is the Expression of Sexuality.
Pedophilia is an sexual attraction to humans who have not gone through puberty. Yet some of those humans feel those exact same sexual attractions to each other, and to adults. They have the exact same "dirty", "sinful" fantasies, independent of any exposure to any sort of explicit material. I know I did. And I was 5, touching myself and wanting and getting to be touched by others years before I watched my first porno, years before I knew what dating was, or homosexuality, or pedophilia, or statutory rape, or any of the labels we've cooked up in our futile attempts to fit an infinite universe into a finite space. It's the sheer, raw complexity of human nature. But surely children can't be human. Oh, no, no, no. In the words of FBI agent Kenneth V. Lanning, "We think of [children] as little angels. It makes us feel warm and fuzzy. So when we find children who have the nerve to behave like human beings, we hold it against them."
In the muck of all the court cases and ostracism and hypocrisy, there are some whose stories are simply too strange for society. We're weird, but so is BDSM; so is oral sex; so is liking a finger up the bum every now and then; so is paying someone for sex; so is every thousand perversions that exists in the righteous world of "mature", "responsible" heterosexuality for which there is often only one in the world of other sexualities.
Indeed, society's general response to the issue of underage sex is more of a concreted reflex than the result of any logical processes.
Everything is an expression of sexuality in a child. We just don't understand in the context of language that this is actually what we are doing as children. I've been having sex with my peers since long before I even knew what the world "sex" meant. Now I've always had a sort of diabolical intelligence, so I never got in the judgmental crosshairs of self-righteous adults. But the fears, the hypocrisy; it really didn't make sense to me. To me, as to you, sex was pleasure. It was just that simple.
You and I--and many others--are on the same side of an issue that modern society as a whole is too cowardly to address, as it crushes everything into its tiny little box of paranoia. And society is paranoid, fidgeting at the slightest change. A rain of legal and social bullets hail on anything that threatens to decrease the distance between Sex and what society considers an "irresponsible human, incapable of consent or conscious choice" (because... you know... 'responsibility' is the first word that comes to your mind when you think of two or more fully grown humans jamming their genitalia against each other). Yes, as children, we are naive about our life choices, about our health, and our need to acquire information, to educate ourselves. But the one course in which humans of any age have never been proven to need any tutoring... is the Expression of Sexuality.
Pedophilia is an sexual attraction to humans who have not gone through puberty. Yet some of those humans feel those exact same sexual attractions to each other, and to adults. They have the exact same "dirty", "sinful" fantasies, independent of any exposure to any sort of explicit material. I know I did. And I was 5, touching myself and wanting and getting to be touched by others years before I watched my first porno, years before I knew what dating was, or homosexuality, or pedophilia, or statutory rape, or any of the labels we've cooked up in our futile attempts to fit an infinite universe into a finite space. It's the sheer, raw complexity of human nature. But surely children can't be human. Oh, no, no, no. In the words of FBI agent Kenneth V. Lanning, "We think of [children] as little angels. It makes us feel warm and fuzzy. So when we find children who have the nerve to behave like human beings, we hold it against them."
In the muck of all the court cases and ostracism and hypocrisy, there are some, like you and myself, whose stories are simply too strange for society. We're weird, but so is BDSM; so is oral sex; so is liking a finger up the bum every now and then; so is paying someone for sex; so is every thousand perversions that exists in the righteous world of "mature", "responsible" heterosexuality for which there is often only one in the world of other sexualities.
Indeed, society's general response to the issue of underage sex is more of a concreted reflex than the result of any logical processes.
TOO REAL! Actually, people below a certain IQ are considered incapable and it is illegal to fuck them. The funny thing is that threshold still allows very stupid people, male or female, to be used for sex by craft sociopaths, and no one cares because "hey, its the law".
The whole thing is based on rigid adherence to law as moral standard rather than actual proven harm or lack of harm, because its much easier to just do that, and to hell with the stupid/naive idiots, teen or adults, who dare break that rule. You go on that sacrificial burn pile.
I fully agree with you. Shaming sex and not educating children can only lead to them beig more easily manipulated because of the lack of experience.I think we need to teach children, openly, that sex is natural and normal, while also teaching them about its harms and benefits. Not just sex, but also masturbation, touching, attraction, etc.If they, from a young age, learn that sexuality is a right and pleasurr, instead of it being this adults-only thing, then they, from a very young age, will feel empowered and educated enough to consent or reject.
I am just going to say that since as long as I remember, I had been attracted to women sexually. I masturbated when I was 7. I vaguely reme,ber getting yelled at by my mother for trying to look at my vagina (I was around 3 years I think), and I would always touch my genitalias, trying to discover it, or because it felt good. I didn't know anything about sex, and yet I still wanted to touch people (but I nevr did). I only came to learn about sex when I was 10, and it was treated as something shameful for kids, and of course, nobody knew abojt me masturbating, since I felt guilty or uneasy to tell anybody (you NEVER touch private parts!!!!).Today, I am 17, and thinking about how embarrassed I was about my sexuality, and simply never being told that this thing is normal and natural, makes me wanna roll my eyes at how absurd the whole sex=adults only is. Now, I am trying my best to feel less unckmfortable around men, even though I am attracted to women as well, but because of the heteronormative society, females and males are made to believe that they are whole different species...Seems like I changed the topic. Anyway, sex is not shameful, and I think we need to make it less of a private thing. This way, less people get fooled or manipulated since they can be more frank about sex and desire. Of course, abuse and rape should never be tolerated, but at least victims won't be as traumatized since they would feel less violated.
There's also evolutionary advantages to not respecting their choices either, and forcing them into sex.
appeal to evolution isn't a really good argument, except for showing that mother nature doesn't care about morals or ethics.
However, it is likely that certain behaviors, having been socially acceptable for a long time, may be more moral than behaviors which have never been acceptable. Age of consent laws started in the 1200's, but by that time rape was already against the law, as was murder. Both were punished. Age of consent law was created so the underage didn't have to show use of force to accuse someone of raping them. It wasn't about saying they were de-facto victim.
So while rape was always against the law, this is more recently against the law, meaning it may not be nearly as bad as actual rape, or murder.
I hate to break it to you, but your entire family history tree has been built on this kind of sexuality, because the average lifespan was about 30.
The reason species develop is due to enviromental pressures, and humans are evolved to produce as young as possible (still far, far later than other species due to the enlarged cranium vs body size), and for as long as possible.
If it was "wrong" people would be barren until they hit 20-25 and then it'd be in the proper zone of where everyone agrees sex and babies should take place in contemporary times.
Google Judith Levine and Foucault on the age of consent, as well as depression linked to sexually active teens. Things get even hairier when we look at the actual evidence, that sex is harmful to teens when with other teens just as much as it'd be harmful with adults where they, for lack of a better term, consented.
If we believe sex is harmful to minors ,and must be prevented even with law, we should be imprisoning minors who visit this sexual abuse on other minors. To fail to imprison a boyfriend for sex with his underage girlfriend in high school is to fail to seek justice for the wrong that was visited to her; after all, she cannot consent by law and is a victim, and it can be shown that she could have as much a negative life experience as with an adult, and we can also make the claim that in teen on teen sex she still does not fully comprehend all her actions.
In the case of T on T, all the claims made agianst T on A sex are still valid; the naivety of the individual, the lack of informed decision making, the possibility of being manipulated, etc. So why do underage get a free pass in laws to have sex with other underage so often? Isn't there still a victim?
I think most people find the idea of locking up other teens for sex abhorrent, but suddenly it is the individual who had sex with their partner who is abhorrent, even subhuman, if they are 18 or older, because the legal status as adult suddenly means they're sex predators and a blight to society.
Its just today's modern witch hunt with a new face. You find all the evil scum in your society and destroy them mentally and physically, because that'll stop the world from being evil. We burned witches for the same reasons; we make a claim that some evils are happening in our society and say that its due to these people over here because they're a witch, and thus we can feel a group catharsis from torturing and destroying them.
It was the same way in the Russian communist state where they killed off their own peasantry as being evil, simply because they'd worked their way up from serfdom to actually having a little money and a farm. Its the same way they talked about the jews and gays in Nazi Germany. Its the same way they talked about "commies" in the McCarthy era, and although the ideals of communism have always wrought horrific results, the persecution of people who may have been innocent, which resulted in their loss of job, family, and sometimes even their life via suicide, created a huge backlash against this kind of witch hunting, at least against marxist ideologues.
Marxist ideologues became SJWs, then started talking about how men are sex predators, and came up with the new witch to hunt: age of consent violators.
Its a fad, designed for unthinking masses to feel pleasure at the destruction of individuals because of what they're labeled as, not because of what harm they may or may not have actually committed.
My 6 year old cousin tried to get it on with me...
Same i am 13 and i really want to have sex, i have read a lot of articles and Wikipedia pages which talk about sex. Where I live, in Greece, the age of consent is 15 and there is also the close in age excemption law. So why the fuck do people say that teens aged between 13-17 cant give consent. Some countries and half of the states in the USA have the close in age excemption law.... So since its perfectly legal for a 13 year old to have sex in some countries why do people say that children can't give consent??? It depends on the country that you live in whether teenagers aged between 13-17 can legaly have sex. Why is it legal if psychologists say that children can't give consent and their brains are not delevoped enough. If you use protection, like condoms or birth control for the female, you are having sex just for thr pleasure like videogames, movies etc. I am never going to br satisfied with my life until I have sex. I hate it that teenagers aged 13 have to wait 3 or 5 years just to legally have sex in some countries. I am fucking jealous of all the adults having sex why the fuck should i be waiting so long for it to be moral to have sex because society made it a 18+ thing only. I understand why smoking and gambling are 18+, these are activities that can seriously harm your mental health and physical heath. But sex is a healthy and fun thing to do, if you use condoms you are probably gonna be fine and probable not going get a girl pregnant. And if you do, people forget that abortion exists..... Also even if you are 18 or above you can still get a woman pregnant even though that wasn't your intention and your intention was pleasure. Am I fucked up in the head? In England the first age of consent law was set to 12....So why the fuck have they been changing it ever since? I think the age of consent should be set to 13 everywhere. I know that will never happen because every country has its own laws but i would like it to be 13.
Marx says groups are oppressed by a singular enemy (feminism does this), and that all relationships are power games (feminism also does this). And I read Jordan Peterson, he's the smart dumb guy's smart guy.
>marxist ideologueswew young man, enough paul joseph watson for you.
Everything is an expression of sexuality in a child. We just don't understand in the context of language that this is actually what we are doing as children. I've been having sex with my peers since long before I even knew what the world "sex" meant. Now I've always had a sort of diabolical intelligence, so I never got in the judgmental crosshairs of self-righteous adults. But the fears, the hypocrisy; it really didn't make sense to me. To me, sex was pleasure. It was just that simple.
By opening up about this here, I am simply bringing attention to an issue that modern society as a whole is too cowardly to address, as it crushes everything into its tiny little box of paranoia. And society is paranoid, fidgeting at the slightest change. A rain of legal and social bullets hail on anything that threatens to decrease the distance between Sex and what society considers an "irresponsible human, incapable of consent or conscious choice" (because... you know... 'responsibility' is the first word that comes to your mind when you think of two or more fully grown humans jamming their genitalia against each other). Yes, as children, we are naive about our life choices, about our health, and our need to acquire information, to educate ourselves. But the one course in which humans of any age have never been proven to need any tutoring... is the Expression of Sexuality.
Pedophilia is an sexual attraction to humans who have not gone through puberty. Yet some of those humans feel those exact same sexual attractions to each other, and to adults. They have the exact same "dirty", "sinful" fantasies, independent of any exposure to any sort of explicit material. I know I did. And I was 5, touching myself and wanting and getting to be touched by others years before I watched my first porno, years before I knew what dating was, or homosexuality, or pedophilia, or statutory rape, or any of the labels we've cooked up in our futile attempts to fit an infinite universe into a finite space. It's the sheer, raw complexity of human nature. But surely children can't be human. Oh, no, no, no. In the words of FBI agent Kenneth V. Lanning, "We think of [children] as little angels. It makes us feel warm and fuzzy. So when we find children who have the nerve to behave like human beings, we hold it against them."
In the muck of all the court cases and ostracism and hypocrisy, there are some whose stories are simply too strange for society. We're weird, but so is BDSM; so is oral sex; so is liking a finger up the bum every now and then; so is paying someone for sex; so is every thousand perversions that exists in the righteous world of "mature", "responsible" heterosexuality for which there is often only one in the world of other sexualities.
Indeed, society's general response to the issue of underage sex is more of a concreted reflex than the result of any logical processes.
Everything is an expression of sexuality in a child. We just don't understand in the context of language that this is actually what we are doing as children. I've been having sex with my peers since long before I even knew what the world "sex" meant. Now I've always had a sort of diabolical intelligence, so I never got in the judgmental crosshairs of self-righteous adults. But the fears, the hypocrisy; it really didn't make sense to me. To me, as to you, sex was pleasure. It was just that simple.
You and I--and many others--are on the same side of an issue that modern society as a whole is too cowardly to address, as it crushes everything into its tiny little box of paranoia. And society is paranoid, fidgeting at the slightest change. A rain of legal and social bullets hail on anything that threatens to decrease the distance between Sex and what society considers an "irresponsible human, incapable of consent or conscious choice" (because... you know... 'responsibility' is the first word that comes to your mind when you think of two or more fully grown humans jamming their genitalia against each other). Yes, as children, we are naive about our life choices, about our health, and our need to acquire information, to educate ourselves. But the one course in which humans of any age have never been proven to need any tutoring... is the Expression of Sexuality.
Pedophilia is an sexual attraction to humans who have not gone through puberty. Yet some of those humans feel those exact same sexual attractions to each other, and to adults. They have the exact same "dirty", "sinful" fantasies, independent of any exposure to any sort of explicit material. I know I did. And I was 5, touching myself and wanting and getting to be touched by others years before I watched my first porno, years before I knew what dating was, or homosexuality, or pedophilia, or statutory rape, or any of the labels we've cooked up in our futile attempts to fit an infinite universe into a finite space. It's the sheer, raw complexity of human nature. But surely children can't be human. Oh, no, no, no. In the words of FBI agent Kenneth V. Lanning, "We think of [children] as little angels. It makes us feel warm and fuzzy. So when we find children who have the nerve to behave like human beings, we hold it against them."
In the muck of all the court cases and ostracism and hypocrisy, there are some, like you and myself, whose stories are simply too strange for society. We're weird, but so is BDSM; so is oral sex; so is liking a finger up the bum every now and then; so is paying someone for sex; so is every thousand perversions that exists in the righteous world of "mature", "responsible" heterosexuality for which there is often only one in the world of other sexualities.
Indeed, society's general response to the issue of underage sex is more of a concreted reflex than the result of any logical processes.
TOO REAL! Actually, people below a certain IQ are considered incapable and it is illegal to fuck them. The funny thing is that threshold still allows very stupid people, male or female, to be used for sex by craft sociopaths, and no one cares because "hey, its the law".
The whole thing is based on rigid adherence to law as moral standard rather than actual proven harm or lack of harm, because its much easier to just do that, and to hell with the stupid/naive idiots, teen or adults, who dare break that rule. You go on that sacrificial burn pile.
Do you mean when a kid wants sex, that it is okay? Or that we shouks all just have sex withkids, no matter what?
I can definitely see this as a possibility.
I fully agree with you. Shaming sex and not educating children can only lead to them beig more easily manipulated because of the lack of experience.I think we need to teach children, openly, that sex is natural and normal, while also teaching them about its harms and benefits. Not just sex, but also masturbation, touching, attraction, etc.If they, from a young age, learn that sexuality is a right and pleasurr, instead of it being this adults-only thing, then they, from a very young age, will feel empowered and educated enough to consent or reject.
I am just going to say that since as long as I remember, I had been attracted to women sexually. I masturbated when I was 7. I vaguely reme,ber getting yelled at by my mother for trying to look at my vagina (I was around 3 years I think), and I would always touch my genitalias, trying to discover it, or because it felt good. I didn't know anything about sex, and yet I still wanted to touch people (but I nevr did). I only came to learn about sex when I was 10, and it was treated as something shameful for kids, and of course, nobody knew abojt me masturbating, since I felt guilty or uneasy to tell anybody (you NEVER touch private parts!!!!).Today, I am 17, and thinking about how embarrassed I was about my sexuality, and simply never being told that this thing is normal and natural, makes me wanna roll my eyes at how absurd the whole sex=adults only is. Now, I am trying my best to feel less unckmfortable around men, even though I am attracted to women as well, but because of the heteronormative society, females and males are made to believe that they are whole different species...Seems like I changed the topic. Anyway, sex is not shameful, and I think we need to make it less of a private thing. This way, less people get fooled or manipulated since they can be more frank about sex and desire. Of course, abuse and rape should never be tolerated, but at least victims won't be as traumatized since they would feel less violated.
There's also evolutionary advantages to not respecting their choices either, and forcing them into sex.
appeal to evolution isn't a really good argument, except for showing that mother nature doesn't care about morals or ethics.
However, it is likely that certain behaviors, having been socially acceptable for a long time, may be more moral than behaviors which have never been acceptable. Age of consent laws started in the 1200's, but by that time rape was already against the law, as was murder. Both were punished. Age of consent law was created so the underage didn't have to show use of force to accuse someone of raping them. It wasn't about saying they were de-facto victim.
So while rape was always against the law, this is more recently against the law, meaning it may not be nearly as bad as actual rape, or murder.
A post pub boy that has sex with their teen girlfrend can experience the exact same things. So we should be locking up teen girls as well.
I suppose when I had sex when I was underage, I was victim of my underage girlfriend. Or perpetrator. Or maybe both, by your mind?
I hate to break it to you, but your entire family history tree has been built on this kind of sexuality, because the average lifespan was about 30.
The reason species develop is due to enviromental pressures, and humans are evolved to produce as young as possible (still far, far later than other species due to the enlarged cranium vs body size), and for as long as possible.
If it was "wrong" people would be barren until they hit 20-25 and then it'd be in the proper zone of where everyone agrees sex and babies should take place in contemporary times.
Google Judith Levine and Foucault on the age of consent, as well as depression linked to sexually active teens. Things get even hairier when we look at the actual evidence, that sex is harmful to teens when with other teens just as much as it'd be harmful with adults where they, for lack of a better term, consented.
If we believe sex is harmful to minors ,and must be prevented even with law, we should be imprisoning minors who visit this sexual abuse on other minors. To fail to imprison a boyfriend for sex with his underage girlfriend in high school is to fail to seek justice for the wrong that was visited to her; after all, she cannot consent by law and is a victim, and it can be shown that she could have as much a negative life experience as with an adult, and we can also make the claim that in teen on teen sex she still does not fully comprehend all her actions.
In the case of T on T, all the claims made agianst T on A sex are still valid; the naivety of the individual, the lack of informed decision making, the possibility of being manipulated, etc. So why do underage get a free pass in laws to have sex with other underage so often? Isn't there still a victim?
I think most people find the idea of locking up other teens for sex abhorrent, but suddenly it is the individual who had sex with their partner who is abhorrent, even subhuman, if they are 18 or older, because the legal status as adult suddenly means they're sex predators and a blight to society.
Its just today's modern witch hunt with a new face. You find all the evil scum in your society and destroy them mentally and physically, because that'll stop the world from being evil. We burned witches for the same reasons; we make a claim that some evils are happening in our society and say that its due to these people over here because they're a witch, and thus we can feel a group catharsis from torturing and destroying them.
It was the same way in the Russian communist state where they killed off their own peasantry as being evil, simply because they'd worked their way up from serfdom to actually having a little money and a farm. Its the same way they talked about the jews and gays in Nazi Germany. Its the same way they talked about "commies" in the McCarthy era, and although the ideals of communism have always wrought horrific results, the persecution of people who may have been innocent, which resulted in their loss of job, family, and sometimes even their life via suicide, created a huge backlash against this kind of witch hunting, at least against marxist ideologues.
Marxist ideologues became SJWs, then started talking about how men are sex predators, and came up with the new witch to hunt: age of consent violators.
Its a fad, designed for unthinking masses to feel pleasure at the destruction of individuals because of what they're labeled as, not because of what harm they may or may not have actually committed.