Wow, this is becoming quite a zombie thread. Anyway, what this post seems to be saying is this:
1) look for a concept that inspires anger and disdain in people2) figure out that the dictionary definition of the concept differs from the definition most people have in their head3) exploit 2) to fit your own behavior under the concept4) let people admire your edgyness (until they finally realize your just lifting on connotations people had with the older definition in their head, before you expanded it into meaninglessness)
Oh yes men are the innovators, the leaders, an innate natural trait as you portray it?How could women have 'lead' anything when they were given no authority? How could they have 'innovated' without the education necessary to conceptualize those innovations?In the very short space of time where women have been given equality of education, and remember this is only in SOME countries, not ALL. The two highest IQ score is held by a woman, Marilyn vos Savant, with and IQ of 228And the only person to win two nobel prizes in two different sciences was a woman, Marie Curie. Not to mention, within that very small time frame, to name a few 'innovations' by womenElectric hot water heaterIda Forbes1917Circular sawTabitha Babbitt1812Apgar tests Virginia Apgar 1952Elevated railway Mary Walton 1881Engine muffler El Dorado Jones 1917Medical syringe Letitia Geer 1899 Submarine lamp and telescope Sarah Mather 1845Rotary engine Margaret Knight 1904All very innovative things some of which are probably involved in your everyday life.Take into account that only the last couple of generations have really began to embrace a woman's role in science, business, politics and leadership. Previously, and even sometimes now a woman has been looked down upon for perusing her intellectual talents. It has been believed that she should be caring for her home, her children and her husband etc. Gender equality is not a threat to your own personal rights. It's about not making assumptions based on illogical reasoning or misguided social beliefs that have been ingrained for thousands of year by less informed men than you. You have the information. You can make the logical, ethical decision not to discriminate based on genitalia.
Before the term "sexism" took over, the disdained attitude was called "male chauvinism," a much more precise concept. I think the problem with it was that feminism is a form of female chauvinism.
Chauvinism is a useful concept; too bad you don't hear more of it. For instance, Obama's claim that the U.S. is "exceptional" is clearly national chauvinist, and that's one of the worst kinds.
Why the hell would i want to reproduce, or grow old thus live longer and slowly fall apart, thats terrible. The longest id want to live is 70. So i say men are the lucky ones. If that makes me Sexist then im a proud sexist.
I am very sexist. Women are very inferior to men. Men are the leaders, the innovators, the ones who help the world. Women nag about salons and are always so fucking democrat. I also hate democrats. Democrats and women fuss and whine and limit joy. No fireworks in maryland! Too dangerous said the fucking female motherfucking bitch-assed democrap."p" not "t"!
I can't tell if you're either ignorant or really, horridly stupid. None of this "evidence" is solid fact. I don't know who you think you are, but this is probably the worst written article I have ever had the misfortune to come across. I am female, and believe that individuals should be viewed separately. There is a woman who is a professor at a university, and a man who has a job of less importance. And vice-versa. If you want to believe this nonsense, keep it to yourself and don't discourage others because you're so convinced being sexist is a good thing.
how many more men do I need to tire my eyes seeing trying to rationalize their superiority? men are gravely afraid of equality. its not fun to lose control- not that anyone cares about their ego lol
Ignorence is alive and kicking I see. The so-called evidence you've put up isn't fact. It's theoretical and backed up by false claims targeted at women. None of the 'facts' posted are proven or scientific.
I don't think women are any worse than men, and I don't think any men are worse than women. We're different sure, but it dosn't mean inferior. How did you come up with that conclusion genius? It's pathetic, and it just show how pessimistic you are.
I am a woman that lives in America. I am also a woman that has lived and was raised outside of US for most of my life. My intrinsic culture and the culture of the country I come from has it that you go to see doctors in emergencies only. I have a unique view on the whole argument of women in America according to Time Magazine driving health care cost - based on my experience worldwide it is primarily in America. Why? That is a good question. I bet the answer is not because it is "natural" for women to do so. I also happen to be working in the healthcare field. There is absolutely, without any doubt in my mind that this trend in America and other Industrial countries are driven by the supply and not the demand. The culture demands it that we listen to the doctor because the doctor knows best. I see it day in and day out, how male doctors in the hospital scolding women for not wanting to take a drug or go through a certain procedure. I even heard one say: "If you die because you refused this medication (and it was far from life and death situation) I will not feel responsible". Medicine is a business here. Try to prove it otherwise. I don't think anyone will even dare to. It is also worthy to look at how the doctors are being trained in the medical school. The whole approach to medical training goes something like that: recognize symptoms, single out the problem, then fix it either with the drug or a procedure of some sort. So, this whole argument about women naturally making our health system screwed up, is, how do I put it intellectually and logically? - a boloney Yes, you are a sexist because you are propelling you negative view of women without any hard evidence that makes it even remotely realistic.
I'm starting to think you don't believe sexism exists.
Maybe it doesn't, after all. That "Spearhead" quote makes me angry (not least because I'm female.) I also think it's false. It seems rather silly.
But if it were true it would be a tragedy. The right response would be to work on fixing women's nature, if possible, and coping with it, if not. If there is a horror at the heart of human nature, then the right thing to do cannot be ignoring it.
There is no fact which would be bad to know even if true, I believe. Sexist views can only refer to inaccurate views that are derogatory to women. True views that demonstrate something bad about women are tragedies to be faced. (They're not excuses to treat women badly either.)
Would that be sexist if they thought the true nature of men was something similarly ugly? What if they said women were less moral, but men were less shameless and myopic?
Fuck women. Ill vote for you to have less rights and ensure that you are discriminated against in every way possible you weak little creatures.
Wow, this is becoming quite a zombie thread. Anyway, what this post seems to be saying is this:
1) look for a concept that inspires anger and disdain in people2) figure out that the dictionary definition of the concept differs from the definition most people have in their head3) exploit 2) to fit your own behavior under the concept4) let people admire your edgyness (until they finally realize your just lifting on connotations people had with the older definition in their head, before you expanded it into meaninglessness)
The highest**
Oh yes men are the innovators, the leaders, an innate natural trait as you portray it?How could women have 'lead' anything when they were given no authority? How could they have 'innovated' without the education necessary to conceptualize those innovations?In the very short space of time where women have been given equality of education, and remember this is only in SOME countries, not ALL. The two highest IQ score is held by a woman, Marilyn vos Savant, with and IQ of 228And the only person to win two nobel prizes in two different sciences was a woman, Marie Curie. Not to mention, within that very small time frame, to name a few 'innovations' by womenElectric hot water heaterIda Forbes1917Circular sawTabitha Babbitt1812Apgar tests Virginia Apgar 1952Elevated railway Mary Walton 1881Engine muffler El Dorado Jones 1917Medical syringe Letitia Geer 1899 Submarine lamp and telescope Sarah Mather 1845Rotary engine Margaret Knight 1904All very innovative things some of which are probably involved in your everyday life.Take into account that only the last couple of generations have really began to embrace a woman's role in science, business, politics and leadership. Previously, and even sometimes now a woman has been looked down upon for perusing her intellectual talents. It has been believed that she should be caring for her home, her children and her husband etc. Gender equality is not a threat to your own personal rights. It's about not making assumptions based on illogical reasoning or misguided social beliefs that have been ingrained for thousands of year by less informed men than you. You have the information. You can make the logical, ethical decision not to discriminate based on genitalia.
Before the term "sexism" took over, the disdained attitude was called "male chauvinism," a much more precise concept. I think the problem with it was that feminism is a form of female chauvinism.
Chauvinism is a useful concept; too bad you don't hear more of it. For instance, Obama's claim that the U.S. is "exceptional" is clearly national chauvinist, and that's one of the worst kinds.
strategy: call it "sexist" when you think it's bad, and ignore it or call it ideal processing of evidence or whatever when you think it's harmless.
You're sexist, Robin isn't.
Why the hell would i want to reproduce, or grow old thus live longer and slowly fall apart, thats terrible. The longest id want to live is 70. So i say men are the lucky ones. If that makes me Sexist then im a proud sexist.
Yeah women were.And there are reasons behind that.. But that does not mean they will always be.
I am very sexist. Women are very inferior to men. Men are the leaders, the innovators, the ones who help the world. Women nag about salons and are always so fucking democrat. I also hate democrats. Democrats and women fuss and whine and limit joy. No fireworks in maryland! Too dangerous said the fucking female motherfucking bitch-assed democrap."p" not "t"!
I can't tell if you're either ignorant or really, horridly stupid. None of this "evidence" is solid fact. I don't know who you think you are, but this is probably the worst written article I have ever had the misfortune to come across. I am female, and believe that individuals should be viewed separately. There is a woman who is a professor at a university, and a man who has a job of less importance. And vice-versa. If you want to believe this nonsense, keep it to yourself and don't discourage others because you're so convinced being sexist is a good thing.
how many more men do I need to tire my eyes seeing trying to rationalize their superiority? men are gravely afraid of equality. its not fun to lose control- not that anyone cares about their ego lol
Ignorence is alive and kicking I see. The so-called evidence you've put up isn't fact. It's theoretical and backed up by false claims targeted at women. None of the 'facts' posted are proven or scientific.
I don't think women are any worse than men, and I don't think any men are worse than women. We're different sure, but it dosn't mean inferior. How did you come up with that conclusion genius? It's pathetic, and it just show how pessimistic you are.
I am a woman that lives in America. I am also a woman that has lived and was raised outside of US for most of my life. My intrinsic culture and the culture of the country I come from has it that you go to see doctors in emergencies only. I have a unique view on the whole argument of women in America according to Time Magazine driving health care cost - based on my experience worldwide it is primarily in America. Why? That is a good question. I bet the answer is not because it is "natural" for women to do so. I also happen to be working in the healthcare field. There is absolutely, without any doubt in my mind that this trend in America and other Industrial countries are driven by the supply and not the demand. The culture demands it that we listen to the doctor because the doctor knows best. I see it day in and day out, how male doctors in the hospital scolding women for not wanting to take a drug or go through a certain procedure. I even heard one say: "If you die because you refused this medication (and it was far from life and death situation) I will not feel responsible". Medicine is a business here. Try to prove it otherwise. I don't think anyone will even dare to. It is also worthy to look at how the doctors are being trained in the medical school. The whole approach to medical training goes something like that: recognize symptoms, single out the problem, then fix it either with the drug or a procedure of some sort. So, this whole argument about women naturally making our health system screwed up, is, how do I put it intellectually and logically? - a boloney Yes, you are a sexist because you are propelling you negative view of women without any hard evidence that makes it even remotely realistic.
I'm starting to think you don't believe sexism exists.
Maybe it doesn't, after all. That "Spearhead" quote makes me angry (not least because I'm female.) I also think it's false. It seems rather silly.
But if it were true it would be a tragedy. The right response would be to work on fixing women's nature, if possible, and coping with it, if not. If there is a horror at the heart of human nature, then the right thing to do cannot be ignoring it.
There is no fact which would be bad to know even if true, I believe. Sexist views can only refer to inaccurate views that are derogatory to women. True views that demonstrate something bad about women are tragedies to be faced. (They're not excuses to treat women badly either.)
Would that be sexist if they thought the true nature of men was something similarly ugly? What if they said women were less moral, but men were less shameless and myopic?