I care because evaporated cane juice is not filtered and whitened with cow bones. So, I think I'll get back on my high horse.

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Actually, "naturally milled sugar" or "evaporated cane juice" is several steps less refined, is not as simple as refined white sugar and handled differently by your body. It also has a significantly (as far as sugar goes) higher nutrient level than the fully refined sugar. So, yeah, those of us who do the research (or grew up in cane country like I did) do like the warm and fuzzies of this labeling...

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So my friends and I recently started a "No artificial/processed sugar and caffeine challenge".all I want to know is if organic evaporated cane juice is processed. is it good for you?is there anything I can buy on the market that hasn't been processed to death and contains some of its original components?

Thanks people :)

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when is the FDA going to outlaw cane/beet sugar in any form except molassas It was invented by a black man to get even for slavery. .Using any name it is still a poison invented by by a slave to make the white man sick and poison him.

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I think you all are missing an important distinction between white (beet) sugar and sugar obtained from evaporated cane juice; white sugar contains genetically modified beets. The United States is one of the last few countries on the planet that does not require GMO ingredients to be listed on the package, and the most common GMO's are corn (and all products derived from corn), soybeans (and all products derived from soybeans), canola oil, and sugar: ingredients found in just about all processed foods. Sure, evaporated cane juice is sugar, but it's organic and doesn't kill lab rats like GMO food does. Look it up.

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"Evaporated Cane Juice" is an ILLEGAL, DECEPTIVE & FRAUDLENT attempt to hide the fact it is SUCROSE, aka per United State Code Of Federal Regulations, per FDA affirmation in writing in the US Federal Register on December 7th, 2009.

Any product using the illegal label 'evaported cane juice' to avoid labeling SUGAR, is in direct violation of Federal labeling laws for SUGAR (as the phony label is 100% metabolized identically as SUGAR) and subject to criminal, civil, and class action consumer fraud laws.

In May of 2000 the FDA affirmed in writing this violation by many so called natural health food purveyors, when they criminal successfuly prosecuted phony, non GRAS, and posioness 'agave' (read article WORSE THAN WHAT WE THOUGHT by the Weston A. Price Foundation available at: www.russbianchi.blogspot.com).

Yes, that is correct, label avoiding the use of the word 'sugar' and your are committing FRAUD, piercing corporate shiled and the oficers of that corporation are subject to CRIMINAL prosecution, conviction, and jail time.

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Actually, evaporated cane juice is NOT the same as sugar. Sugar is highly processed and has very little nutrients. Evaporated cane juice does not go through the same processing and so it still retains vitamins and minerals that sugar doesn't.

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CALM DOWN. No reason to get offended by a simple wording technicality--gimmick, whatever. I realized cane juice was a form of sugar or a sugar-derived product, and it doesn't offend me at all, if it is the equivalent of sugar. The name "cane juice" sounds similar enough to "sugar cane" in order to not come off as deceptive or to insult my intelligence.

People who are concerned enough about their health to actually read labels will probably do a Google search on "cane juice" to figure out what it is--like I did; I know I am being stereotypical, but if it is no worse than sugar, who really cares anyway? I am only worried it is worse than sugar. Companies have been labelling ingredients deceptively from the beginning of time. The things that offend me are when products are labelled like "mono-and-di-glycerides."

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My friend, it is not my intention to pick on you in any way (particularly as I appreciate much of the information you have cited here), but I must inform you that there does exist a tradition of slightly sweetening tomato sauce in certain parts of Italy.

My great-grandfather came to the U.S. from Bari; It was he who passed his preference for slightly-sweet sauce in pizza napoletana (Margherita, specifically) and other dishes on to my grandmother and my mother...

It's awesome, by the way! Not sweet, per-se, just different... (Of course, there's more to it that just a bit of sweetening, but I am not at liberty to divulge what precisely...)

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It seems that this tirade was placed as a knee-jerk reaction with little research into the actual ingredient. Personally, shopping at Trader Joe's, I'd expect to see something like "organic evaporated cane juice" rather than "high fructose corn syrup", or "sugar". Since this store tends to be more expensive, and, dare I say it, "yuppy-ish", to see something as cheap and ordinary as corn syrup on a such a label would be contrary to the whole nature of my Trader Joe's shopping experience.

On another note, evaporated cane juice can also be found at your local WalMart in such products as Jones Soda and Emerald Sweetened Almond Milk. It's not so much an aspect of superiority as it is of simply being conscious of what you are eating. With high-fructose corn syrup and monosodium glutamate in everything we eat these days, having some sort of alternative sets a product apart. The motivation for these ingredients is most certaintly driven by money and not any concern for the health and well being of the American people, but then that's just the great capitalist engine at work. We the consumer dictate what goes into our products by what we will buy. The only tragedy is that we pay extra for these products because, lets face it, the ingredients cost more to produce (though the difference is not directly relational to the prices you pay). What this creates is class seperation of health and well being as well as income for those families who can't afford the "good stuff". Where once the rich were perceived as fat and lazy, now so are the lower income citizens who survive off of dollar menus and tinned vegetables. Perhaps this is where initiatives such as the "edible landscaping revolution" will make their biggest impact. Seeds are cheap, and you can't beat a freshly harvested plate of veggies for low cost and nutrition.

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I have just returned from the store, where I saw an olive oil bottle labeled:


I find it likely that many consumers are stupid enough to be misled by the "Extra Light" as if it meant "fewer calories", whereas in fact it means "watered down".

I find that most people, in general, have no clue about their energy and protein requirements, and will indiscriminately give preference to anything they think is "light", "low fat", "healthy", "natural", or "organic".

Witness meat products that say "97% fat free" (but have twice as many calories as actual low-fat products), regular yoghurt that says "99% fat free" (as opposed to actual light yoghurt which is simply fat free), products labeled "no fat" whose caloric content is 100% sugar, etc.

It's all meant to mislead people who never made the effort to educate themselves about nutrition, and such people are successfully misled. They have no clue what a calorie is.

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"May I suggest a wood-fired oven

I have been a fire-freak for 25 years. Alas in Noo Yawk Sit-ay you are not allowed legally now to have a personal wood-burning oven.

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Things have changed in the past couple of decades, but when I was a young-un in college, one of the quirks I learned about US regulations on food was that genuine demerara or turbinado sugars weren't legal in the US. Refining sugar cane into sugar is a multi-step process, with the sugar getting "whiter" each step (with "molasses" being the stuff removed). Real demerara sugar would be unrefined. At that time (and it *has* changed, since Sugar In The Raw [which is what I buy myself] is on the market), the only sugar that could be sold in the US had been refined all the way to white sugar, with molasses added back in to make it "brown."http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

The second bigger question is why is there sugar or sweetener in pizza?As for the sugar in pizza, quite a few varieties of spaghetti/pizza sauces contain sugar (or some other sweetener in them). I don't particulary like them myself, but many of my friends in college preferred Little Ceasars for the fact that their sauce was very sweet (may have changed, but I'm kinda snooty about what I do/don't like, and quite round because I eat too much of what I like).

And yes, I do make my own pizza from complete scratch every Sunday and have for nearly 20 years. I wonder if I could make a nice business from it now, labeling it "organic" and "sugar-free!"May I suggest a wood-fired oven? Although that's best with thin crust pizzas. Il Vicino is a good example, if you have one near you. http://www.ilvicino.com/ilv...

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I don't really care what the Italians have to say about pizza - while pizza (or something vaguely resembling it) may have originated in Italy (though I don't think that's been conclusively proven), it was at least much improved in New York and then perfected in New Haven (not to mention other, less important, regional variations).

As for sugar in pizza, sugar is a common ingredient in tomato sauces sold in America - it makes them taste better. Even in homemade sauces, I will put in sugar if it turns out I've utterly wrecked the flavor - it tends to rescue it handily.

Besides, there are already about 4g of sugars in a tomato, so it's not like we're introducing a completely alien ingredient.

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They should, however, be reading the ingredient list to see what kind of sugar it is, as well as what else is in the food product. And seeing the quantity orderof ingredients can be interesting too.

I remember a cereal label that said "serving size 28 g" and "sugars 15 g". I checked, and yep, the first ingredient was sugar, not grain.

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People shouldn't be reading the ingredient list to find out how much sugar a food has. That's a row on the nutrition facts panel, and quantitative data ("X grams sugar per Y gram serving") is much more valuable than qualitative data ("has added sugar").

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