Now that I’ve been on several official boards of advisors for a few years I can report: boards of advisors are almost never asked to give advice, though they do sometimes offer it anyway. But boards of advisors are usually "boarded", i.e., paid something.
They would be better called "boards of prestige" – the message being "we aren’t so clueless that these prestigious people refuse to associate with us." Or perhaps just "we could afford to buy these prestigious people, even though for a price they’d associate with anything." Now I have in fact turned down paid affiliations with organizations I thought too clueless, but I can’t report how many others are willing to do the same.
NewsFutures Scientific Advisory Board
It has disappeared into cyberspace.- No more Robin Hanson.- No more Justin Wolfers.-APPENDIX:- Robin Hanson is now Chief Scientist of Consensus Point.- Emile Servan-Schreiber didnt like that too much, for some reason.- Robin Hanson has ex...
PREDICTION MARKETS: Robin Hanson Justin Wolfers
I have been chatting with a prediction market practitioner (I wont tell you who, and no, its not whom you think about) shooting the breeze, and talking about the current state of the prediction market industry taking about t...