@ Juergen Posse, I have wondered myself about hunting these cold-blooded lizards in the coldest hours. Would they just be comatose and lye there?

I have noticed that summers here can be so hot that any cold-blooded creature could wander 24/7 as it please. I imagine there are places on earth where "cold" is not an issue. Is the Komodo's habitat one of them?

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Interested new facts! But in which publication Morwood talks about this new discovered, around 2 mio yo. stone-tools from South Sulawesi? Are they madein the same design like from Mata Menge/Flores? Which evidence do we have to say, they came rom Africa??By the way, to hunt a Komodo-Dragon is not so difficult, if you find them in the early morning hours. It could be really cold there in the highlands of Flores and the the Komodos are reptiles...

Anyone who would like to discuss that?

Regards Juergen

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It's hard to tell from the articles exactly where along the evolutionary tree the hobbits sit. If this discovery means that there is a great filter post-intelligence that's bad news for all.

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Midgets who fought huge komodo dragons? I smell a Robert E. Howard story here.

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