Most people see exercise as healthy, and see walking as a reasonably comfortable form of exercise. Some think that they should spend precious exercise time doing something more athletic, and others just can’t find the time to walk. But most seem to enjoy walking and see it as healthy, if only they could find the time.
I’ve been spending a lot of time giving talks lately, mostly on my book. I’m also back to teaching now that summer is over. Usually, these events all happen in a room, where I stand in front while everyone else sits. Sometimes I teach my class out on the grass instead of in a room. And so I wonder: why can’t we give talks while walking outside?
Yes, you’d have to forego visual aids, unless someone works out some pretty fancy tech. And yes, you’d need to pick a walking route that is quiet enough so that the audience could hear the speaker, and so a full-throated speaker won’t bother others along the route. Sometimes the weather isn’t agreeable. The audience would find it harder to see the speaker’s face, and a bigger group would need a louder speaker and more tolerant neighbors. And those who can’t walk might need someone else to push them in a wheelchair.
But none of these seem insurmountable barriers. We already manage to schedule lots of shared activities outdoors. We already have walking talks when guides take groups through battlefields, museums, and other special places. Is it so hard to have talks not focused on the immediate physical surroundings?
Sure it's awkward and could have been better written, but that's not the claim I responded to.
P.S. It's interesting to compare "walking sticks" to "walking talks". No one ever interprets the former as sticks that walk. OTOH, it seems that no one interpreted the latter as talks about walking, although they certainly could have -- so it is ambiguous, after all. But nonetheless, I immediately discerned the correct meaning when I saw the title.
Devilish it's not, but awkward it is. The problem is, as you note, the miscue by "talks," which (rather than "walking") is what wants replacement: "Why not walking lectures?"