Elections are for picking politicians and ensuring stability. Disenfranchising nonagenarians is taxation without representation.

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I as a twelve year old don't want to have the responsibility of voting. I'm very politically aware and I now that one vote can count. I now more than adults now and I'm pretty sure that if you are mature enough then you would understand that children don't need that type of right for NOW. If I had to chose what could possibly be a lowered voting age I would say 17. It's only one year less than 18 but this is when a part of our brains start developing and get the habit of making good choices for ourselves. I don't need more responsibilitys in my life. Ill vote when the government thinks I'm old enough to vote. I understand that it is frustrating to not be able to vote but we have to live in our age. We will never be 13 or 12 again. There will be a time where we can vote but for now LIVE Like a child is suppose to. I'm twelve and enjoy it cause I now that soon I will be eighteen and will be old enough to vote. All I have to do is wait.

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hey, i don't agree. i am 13 years old and i am more politically aware than most adults. the world could be so much more of a better place! VOTE FOR THOMAS MULCAIR!! anyways, i don't have the right to vote. i NEED to vote. i want to decide for myself! its my future and adults are ruining it! DONT VOTE JUSTIN TRUDEAU! HE IS LEGALIZING MARIJUANA!!! most adults vote because their friends say so, and most don't even know which is which. in my point of view, i guess yes, kids like me can vote, but everyone, even adults have to pass a written exam to see how politically aware you are, and then if you pass, you vote. I CAN VERY WELL TAKE DESCISIONS AND NOT BE BRIBED. I HAVE NERVES OF STEEL. AND THERE ARE MANY KIDS OUT THERE THINKING THE SAME!

i know more about politics than ANY adult

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i am a 12 year old in wales and i want to say that all of parliment and the prime minister are discussing now and the future,but when their all older who is going to be picking up all their mess, US,their putting us into recession but they still wont let us vote its ridculous.i care as much as all of you who runs are country.so dont be so  stereotypical about kids my age and start looking at the mess david cameron is making

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What part are you having trouble understanding?

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I'm not sure that any piece of what you posted makes any sense.

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So, correct me if i'm wrong, but basically what you're saying is that kids are basically influenced by their parents bias decisions, and irrationality?

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The corriculums in some school districts don't allow students to learn of politics until they are at least in 10th - 11th grade, but some as young as 9th grade aren't uncommon either.

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One can easily label a child as "incompitent" to vote, but there is no way to prove/disprove this assumpuation that said child is either "mature" or "immature" to take part in the elections.

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I'm 13 and i believe i'm perfectly capable in voting.

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Well that depends, what if said child, actually weighs the outcomes of the election, and makes the decision in which the elected canidate actually makes a change in the world. Please correct me if my theory is a little off topic, i'm a teen myself (13)

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That depends on how the parents look at the situation. Now i do agree with your argument on the age of the right to vote, whether or not this age is right for voting privlages, but how would you react if a random person walked up to you and said "My 11year old is perfectly capable of voting in this election." ?

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There is always that small hand-full of children who have the ability of keen perception. It doesn't take a well-trained genius to take one look at a guy and say "This man could either greatly benefit us, or he could very much royally screw us, just like Bush did.

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I too wish that kids such as myself (13) would have more of an option in the classess we take, more enjoyable courses would in turn lead to more children, such as my self, enjoying school.

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Because at the age of ten, children are of the age to brgin making his/her own decision,aside from peer pressure, while the average adult finds the time to weigh the possibilities of the outcomes between both of the canidates. At least this is what i believe.

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Correct me if my theory is slightly off, but i believe the reason that the government doesn't allow kids to vote is because they believe kids don't have the general experience in political matters to make a rational decision in this particular field of politics.

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