yes, and it's not only ADHD.. the whole alphabet soup given to kids today: ASD, ODD and OCD. These are foragers types who struggle with living in a farmer world. Look at people on the spectrum: they hate hieararchy and authority, they don't understand why farmer types lie so much (well, sometimes it's called "politeness") and they struggle with farmer-herder foods (gluten and dairy)

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they are less violent with their in-group, but can be feirce with out-groups... look what the Zulus have done in history!

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no, it's really the S/N dichotoy N=foragers SJ farmers, SP herders!

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that is true! Healthy foods: hutner-gatherer types are more sensitive to "farmer foods", in particular gluten and casein and often love fresh herbs and vegetables (my wife does - I actually eat junk food")hunting: foragers only hunt for meat - why should I kill when it's not necessary?? It feels so wrong. For farmer herder types it is prestige. Hunting sport... modern forager types play video games when they feel like hunting.

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interesting insight! Most people were farmers in the past, including hunter-gatherers who were enslaved by farmers or had to give up foraging due to habitat loss. Here is my estimate: farmer types: 40% herder types 35% hunter-gatherer 25%

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no, Robin got it right. Of course there is violence among hunter-gatherers, but possession. Farmers show indeed less aggression, but it's only towards their in-group, whereas the are more aggressive towards out-group members. Overall, violence probably almost doubled with the advent of farming. Herder types were even more violent. This is a rough estimation: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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you even got the fewer children right. There is one dimension that you didn't see: life-history theory! Early farmers had shorter lives than foragers, so they started to reproduce earlier (r/K selection). Which means that on average liberals start to have sex later (unless those liberals are herder types, in which case they start sex earliest). https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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There is in fact a type C: herders/pastoralist. They don't fall neatly into the left-right dimesion, they can be extremists, both left and (currently mostly) right. Other than that I agree very much with the article! Of course, there a many "mixed people", that makes if even harder to see the three types. https://www.academia.edu/44...

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thanks for the tip! Here is my own book, you might find it very interesting:https://www.academia.edu/44...

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For people interested in an explanation of forager/farmer liberal/conservative similarity with *underlying theory*, I'd recommend reading Avi Tuschman's book 'Our Political Nature':


Part of the thesis is that liberals are more outbreeding (also seems true of foragers), while conservatives (and farmers, who are less mobile than foragers) are more inbreeding. Both strategies have adaptive advantages and drawbacks. The optimum is somewhere in between, hence why most people fall along a normal distribution politically, with most in the center.

Tyler Cowen called the book "the next step after Jonathan Haidt".

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Foraging for plants is much more sustainable than farming. Hunting for animals is much less sustainable than domesticating animals (at least in terms of sustaining the animals). Humans rapidly hunted many species to extinction.

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[The above summarizes many books and articles I’ve read over the last year.] Can you give a bibliography of recommended writings?

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And I further suppose that having around 50% of each, makes one a damn schizzo.Moby's music is also good though.

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Well if you are good at work and are type A you should use it because they are harder workers. Although I understand about conflict as you mentioned. For sport yes A may be needed for competitive athletes, and other competitions, etc. Otherwise everything else should be B!

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Sure but you do Know that most people fit into either one or the other at the end of the day right.

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