Some mineral and timber rights require using them if you buy them.

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In that case, though, doesn't the winner of the auction also get some benefit in addition to just the tax revenue? With land, for example, I assume that the winner would have rights to do things with the land beyond that of just a random person.

If I'm understanding the career tax agent idea correctly, it's different in that the agent receives no benefit aside from the tax revenue. So I'm curious whether there's an existing system that works that way.

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Anytime the govt auctions off property like land that can give a future revenue stream.

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Sorry if this has been asked before, but are there any existing arrangements where future tax revenue is auctioned off in this way that could be used as a model?

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People choose status/low stress/other intangible rewards over money all the time.

A career agent would recommend someone give up the dream of being a musician to become a McDonald's manager.

Sure it might increase wealth (even aggregate wealth) but people wouldn't like it at all. It would be like having another nagging parent.

I could make more money writing COBOL than working in science but I don't want to, and would be annoyed if someone tried to get me to switch. Those intangible things like "interesting work" matter more than $$$ after a point

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Maybe we only accept it in high status positions

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You understand that many black writers, musicians, actors, and athletes today already have career agents? Who ever complains about that being like slavery?

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Imagine a tax agent finds someone in the south, has them study agriculture and improve the profitability of fibre crops.

I'm sure the US media would be entirely calm and rational about a white man part owning a black person's labor output and suggesting they pick cotton

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