Well, the links to physics in recent years have picked up because of the surge of econophysics, which appears mostly in physics journals such as Physica A and Physical Review Letters E and the European Physical Journal B, not to mention Nature, although as they are actually on economics topics, it is not clear where they would fit in this space.
The links to medicine are obviously coming through health economics, a big field. There is lit on evolutionary economics and ecological economics that might link to biology and earth science, but that does not seem to be a big link in this picture.
Hi Robin, If you are interested to discuss a related topic in another forum, Sabine has taken an interest in your "Could Gambling Save Science" paper.
Well, the links to physics in recent years have picked up because of the surge of econophysics, which appears mostly in physics journals such as Physica A and Physical Review Letters E and the European Physical Journal B, not to mention Nature, although as they are actually on economics topics, it is not clear where they would fit in this space.
The links to medicine are obviously coming through health economics, a big field. There is lit on evolutionary economics and ecological economics that might link to biology and earth science, but that does not seem to be a big link in this picture.
Sean, the sort of big concept biology I like tends to be located over near the areas I like, which is another reason the map makes sense.
Dude, you find biology to be boring??