Yeah, and historians should be out trying to 'make' history rather than merely study it. You're a twit.

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"Of 13 research articles … in 2004, 11 of them received zero to two citations, one had five, one 12. Of 23 article … 16 received zero to two citations, four of them three to six, one eight, one 11, and one 16. … The unfortunate conclusion is that the overall impact of literary research doesn’t come close to justifying the money and effort that goes into it. …"

How do you get a conclusion without a hypothesis? All you have is a set of numbers, without any expectation of what those numbers should look like. What were the impact factors of the journals? What would the numbers be if the impact justified the money going into it?

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"Most" for sure. Like 90% at least.

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Citation counts are always a zero-sum game. Every article generates zero or more citations through its references and receives zero or more citations over time. Some fields have more references per article on average; some fields have articles with shorter citation half lives. Some fields might cite outside their field a little more than others. However, beyond those effects, it is strange to single out a discipline as having low numbers of citations. Eventually given enough time, articles in a discipline should tend over time to attain an average number of citations equivalent to the average number of references in an article in that field. The distribution of citations is generally highly skewed, but that's a different issue.

Thus, I wouldn't use citation counts as an argument for assessing impact of a field. It's always a zero sum game. You can use citation counts to assess the impact of an article or a journal, but a field as a whole seems problematic.

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Citation counts are low in a *lot* of fields; literature isn't actually that bad, at least as far as this small sample proves. See http://www.gwern.net/Cultur...

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If literature academics want a "research identity", they should be producing original literature, rather than merely commentaries on existing literature.

(Some may argue that we don't need more literature, but I'd rather have more new literature than more commentary on old literature.)

Similarly (and closer to home), I think the increasing separation in academia between music theory and music composition is a disaster for both, with theorists spoiling their field by going off on various postmodernist tangents and (some argue) threatening to push composers out of the academy altogether. One fears that the days of the "composer-theorist" are fast receding, if not already over.

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does the publisher of work that won’t be cited know this in advance

Good point!

My suspicion is that the answer to your

can anyone reliably know it in advancequestion is likely to be "not at an acceptable cost".If nothing else, the fact that the citation numbers look somethinglike a smooth power curve suggests that there is a fairly uniformfiltering mechanism already in operation. If the citation numbershad been sharply bimodal - 3 papers heavily cited, and all therest cited once or never, I'd believe that there was somethingone could do to throw out the bad ones - because there wouldbe a sharply defined group of bad ones. With a smooth powerlaw, this seems less probable.

So does anyone want to start a prediction marketfor anticipated future citations to papers? :-)

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"If academics did not care about credentializing, would we see more citations of the few papers being published, or fewer citations since fewer papers overall means fewer citations? "

That, it would seem, is the key question; stated differently,: does the large number of useless publications express waste; or is trivial research the inevitable counterpart to important research? Or, again restated, does the publisher of work that won't be cited know this in advance, or can anyone reliably know it in advance (beyond, that is, that predictive power already expressed in acceptance-for-publication decisions).

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Publish or die, right?

When publishing is the goal, and the number of articles published is a measure of success, It shouldn't be a surprise that many (most?) academic publications aren't new, profound, enlightening, or worth citing. Unfortunately, those that might be new, profound, enlightening, or worth citing are lost in the noise.

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It never hurts to double check...


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I have to admit I was surprised at the number of citations reported for those examples; I would have expected fewer.

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Vaniver: Nice!!!

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I'm a newcomer to this blog, so sorry if the following have already been discussed. But

(1) I am not sure how to use these citation statistics. If academics did not care about credentializing, would we see more citations of the few papers being published, or fewer citations since fewer papers overall means fewer citations? It might be good to compare citation counts in a system where papers are published secretly or anonymously. Maybe the NSA's internal cryptography papers?

In particular it might be bad to compare English papers to those from any experimental subject, where each minor procedure of each experiment typically gets another citation or three.

Finally, the Best English Paper Ever, which single-handedly lays to rest all problems of English literature, would receive no citations since it would put an end to the discipline.

(2) Just a nit-pick, but it is one thing to say that academics are about authorizing themselves, and another to say that academia is about authorizing academics. One can imagine a situation where military officers only care about being promoted, but the military might still be about fighting wars.

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Phil: The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth. -- Niels Bohr

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I don't disagree with you. But I've always wondered: is the research *correct*? That is, is it the right answer to the question asked?

That is, if you intercepted a paper on its way to peer review, and replaced an occasional sentence with its opposite:

(a) would it make the argument wrong?(b) would the referees notice?(c) if you innocently pointed it out to the referees, would they say, "oh, yeah, you're right!" or would they think the opposite was *also* valid research?

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