So the spiral of lies spreads deeper...

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If your dyslexia makes it difficult for you to write well, and the ChatGPT tool helps you overcome that, that's great, and certainly a valid and useful use case for ChatGPT.

I think ChatGPT is good and useful for many things - my original comment was just pointing out its tendency to say very little of interest, in good English. Driven by a person with a real point to make, I can see how it could be very helpful in making that point clearly.

But what was your original comment to Robin's post trying to say, other than general agreement with it? If there was a point there, it didn't come out clearly to me.

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"With the assistance of ChatGPT, I produced the following: 'I agree that my post was a great example of ChatGPT's ability to produce smooth-sounding, grammatically correct English with zero actual content. It simply regurgitated bits of Robin's post and agreed with them. However, I find ChatGPT to be a useful tool in articulating my ideas more precisely and clearly, as I have mild dyslexia and often have difficulty writing clear text. While ChatGPT is not capable of forming its own ideas or evaluating the substance of its output, it can assist me in generating text that is grammatically correct’

I view ChatGPT only as a tool. I also find it most helpful in other respects. This morning, it generated a list of books that I might give my son-in-law for Christmas. All I had to do was describe his interests and the type of book I desired to give him, and it generated a list of four or five books that were perfect for him.

I think we have only just begun to understand the full potential of tools such as ChatGPT and how to use them effectively.

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I don't think ChatGPT speaks in a bland, bureaucratic style because most of the text it's been trained on is bland and bureaucratic. I think it speaks that way because Open AI specifically trained it to be speak that way using reinforcement learning with human feedback.

If you look at the original GPT-3, it can be quite original in terms of style and prose.

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How has mass entertainment overcome, leveraged, or been defeated by the subtext challenges of an ever-increasing and diverse audience during the past 100 years?

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ChatGPT is a generic model, and a defensive, "official" style is par for the course. It is easy to fine-tune the underlying model on the speech of someone quite a bit more opinionated and colorful, and you'll have it talking differently.

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A great example of ChatGPT's ability to produce smooth-sounding grammatically correct English with zero actual content. It's just regurgitating bits of Robin's post and agreeing with them.

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Robin, I enjoy your cogent thoughts. Since I have trouble articulating my own I’ve taken to asking ChatGPT to respond to articles on chat bots. Here is what it had to say:

“Yes, you are correct that writing has allowed for the exchange of ideas and information across distances and over time, and that it has played a significant role in education and mass communication. The development of social media and the availability of large language models have also had a significant impact on the way that people communicate with each other, as they allow individuals to easily share their thoughts and ideas with a wide audience.

“One aspect of low-context communication, as you mentioned, is that it is designed to be understood by a diverse audience, rather than being tailored to a specific group or context. This can be beneficial in certain situations, as it allows for the dissemination of information to a wider audience, but it can also have limitations, as it may not take into account the specific needs or context of the individuals receiving the information.

“Overall, the ability to communicate through writing and other forms of mass media has greatly expanded the way that people can exchange ideas and information, but it is important to consider the context and audience when communicating in this way.”

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