I think porn is somewhat responsible for the decline in rape, which is a good thing, yet onanism is clearly subject to the golden mean.
Without forming a pair bonds between mates and progeny, one's relationships are generally much weaker, and strong personal relationships are key to a good life.
The old Western focus on the nuclear family was very helpful, because it generated just enough close ties, but not so many that tribal allegiance dominated social and professional life. As fatherless families rise the state takes its place, but its a pale second.
I judge it with secular ethics, forced labour camps violate the NAP (Non aggression principle). There's no sense in which mutually consenting adults who aren't initiating violence against anyone is immoral. By what standards do you find sex toys immoral? If something is moral and permissible and people want to use them, and do use them then it becomes part of our reality and there's not much you can do to stop that. You can disapprove all you like, but other peoples rights don't end where your feelings begin.
And in any case, you response does nothing to address my remark: simply because something is "part of our new reality" says nothing about whether we should approve of it.
I think you meant to say that "porn and sex toys are also clearly IMmoral." And the explanation of why this is so has been available for a couple of thousand years.
What makes you think that "below average attractiveness" applies primarily to income? I don't know the data, but I'm inclined to think that, in the first instance, "attractiveness" means (and has always meant) good looks.
> you'll find things like on average women vote 80% of men as "below average" attractiveness, which statistically doesn't make any sense
Really. It's entirely possible that okcupid's male user-base (being self-selected) is indeed 80% below average attractiveness. From my experience it's certainly the case that the female user-base is 80% (actually, probably 90%) below average attractiveness, where I define average attractiveness as 'the women I see on a daily basis, including the not-so-attractive ones.'
> what this is doing is pricing themselves out of the market by demanding a level of quality in men that doesn't exist in great enough numbers for them all to settle with.
I think you replied to the wrong person. Either way I'll address this. If you look at certain sources of stats such the OKCupid's (dating site) breakdown of female behaviour, you'll find things like on average women vote 80% of men as "below average" attractiveness, which statistically doesn't make any sense, this demonstrates that womens expectations simply aren't in line with reality. There is actually good real world indicators that women today are still hypergamous despite earning their own wage and providing for themselves, they still look for males who earn more than them, what this is doing is pricing themselves out of the market by demanding a level of quality in men that doesn't exist in great enough numbers for them all to settle with. A large part of taking the red pill as a man is learning the hypergamous nature of women and how they have a strong preference for dating up where as men typically date across, or even down.
> Of course there are plenty of other men around, but these women mostly consider such men beneath them.
An equally likely possibility is that women are lamenting not being approached by a large number of men. Another possibility is simply that they are covering up for their insecurities.
And maybe when males say 'women consider most men to be beneath them', that's also a way of covering up for insecurities.
'Gender patterns'
I think that gender refers to the literary device. You likely mean sex patterns.
Since men have the stronger sex drive, shouldn't they take the drive from SV to NYC if the women are in NYC?
I think porn is somewhat responsible for the decline in rape, which is a good thing, yet onanism is clearly subject to the golden mean.
Without forming a pair bonds between mates and progeny, one's relationships are generally much weaker, and strong personal relationships are key to a good life.
The old Western focus on the nuclear family was very helpful, because it generated just enough close ties, but not so many that tribal allegiance dominated social and professional life. As fatherless families rise the state takes its place, but its a pale second.
I judge it with secular ethics, forced labour camps violate the NAP (Non aggression principle). There's no sense in which mutually consenting adults who aren't initiating violence against anyone is immoral. By what standards do you find sex toys immoral? If something is moral and permissible and people want to use them, and do use them then it becomes part of our reality and there's not much you can do to stop that. You can disapprove all you like, but other peoples rights don't end where your feelings begin.
And by what criteria do you judge the Gulag "clearly immoral"? Most progressives at the time praised Stalin, and thought the Gulag "clearly moral"!
And in any case, you response does nothing to address my remark: simply because something is "part of our new reality" says nothing about whether we should approve of it.
I think you meant to say that "porn and sex toys are also clearly IMmoral." And the explanation of why this is so has been available for a couple of thousand years.
> It was created by an MIT entrepreneur (presumably after a bad divorce)
Yes: https://casetext.com/case/g...
Those women typically don't reject you, though.
More like Sharems.
What makes you think that "below average attractiveness" applies primarily to income? I don't know the data, but I'm inclined to think that, in the first instance, "attractiveness" means (and has always meant) good looks.
> you'll find things like on average women vote 80% of men as "below average" attractiveness, which statistically doesn't make any sense
Really. It's entirely possible that okcupid's male user-base (being self-selected) is indeed 80% below average attractiveness. From my experience it's certainly the case that the female user-base is 80% (actually, probably 90%) below average attractiveness, where I define average attractiveness as 'the women I see on a daily basis, including the not-so-attractive ones.'
> what this is doing is pricing themselves out of the market by demanding a level of quality in men that doesn't exist in great enough numbers for them all to settle with.
Source? Link? Anything?
I think you replied to the wrong person. Either way I'll address this. If you look at certain sources of stats such the OKCupid's (dating site) breakdown of female behaviour, you'll find things like on average women vote 80% of men as "below average" attractiveness, which statistically doesn't make any sense, this demonstrates that womens expectations simply aren't in line with reality. There is actually good real world indicators that women today are still hypergamous despite earning their own wage and providing for themselves, they still look for males who earn more than them, what this is doing is pricing themselves out of the market by demanding a level of quality in men that doesn't exist in great enough numbers for them all to settle with. A large part of taking the red pill as a man is learning the hypergamous nature of women and how they have a strong preference for dating up where as men typically date across, or even down.
Of course there are plenty of other men around, but these women mostly consider such men beneath them.
I think this represents wishful thinking by college-educated males.
I think this sentence is unsubstantiated:
> Of course there are plenty of other men around, but these women mostly consider such men beneath them.
An equally likely possibility is that women are lamenting not being approached by a large number of men. Another possibility is simply that they are covering up for their insecurities.
And maybe when males say 'women consider most men to be beneath them', that's also a way of covering up for insecurities.
Well I know lots of well-adjusted men in SV who are lonely too. So it's still a good place for single women.