Hypocrisy: pretending to have qualities or beliefs you do not
To get away with saying one thing and doing another, it helps to put some distance between your words and acts. It may not work to say “I always give to panhandlers I pass on the street” as you pass, and ignore, a panhandler on the street. You might prefer to say that at another time and place, or to say something more abstract, with muddier implications about your specific behavior.
Further distance can come from hiring an agent to act for you. If your instructions are vague and you reserve the discretion to fire an agent for ambiguous reasons, then you can claim you wanted your agent to do X, while making sure your agent understands that you really reward Y. If your agent is caught clearly doing Y, you can fire and disavow them. This works especially well if you can implicitly threaten an even stronger punishment if your fired agent tells folks you made it clear you wanted Y.
The more important an agent is to you, and more attention you pay to that agent, the less believable it is that you were unaware of large deviations between X and Y. So maximal hypocrisy can be achieved via the agents to which we pay the least attention. And this is where democracy shines: the very structure of a large election ensures you the voter had very little incentive to pay attention. Since you had almost no chance to change the outcome, you of course didn’t pay great attention. But you can still act outraged should an elected politician do Y when he said he would X. Shame on him, for exploiting poor ignorant you.
The larger the election, the better your excuse, because the weaker your incentive to pay attention. Longer tenures also help, as does divided government. If you voted on hundreds of different offices, and did that ten years ago, how can you be very responsible for what any one of them did today?
Legal courts controlled at arms-length by large divided democratic governments seem a perfect storm for hypocrisy. How can you be blamed for what some judge does, if he is only influenced indirectly by appellate courts, that are influenced by a supreme court, who were chosen decades ago by random politicians. Surely you can’t be blamed when wannabe immigrants bodies pile up in the desert, when your troops slaughter foreigners in their streets, or when police use brutal street justice to keep your peace. It must have been corrupt politicians or bureaucrats, or evil voters from the other party, or bought-off media, or just anyone but you; you surely intended nothing of the sort.
No! Secrecy supports hypocrisy; and, it's not democracy to have the secretive privileged elite we have corrupting everything: Hypocritical society thrives on secrecy. Here's an example of suppressed knowledge. Spread the most classic secret, the supreme grand secret of the “lodge”, which, thanks to modern medicine, can be printed on a bumper sticker: VAGAL STIMULATION IS AS EFFECTIVE AS LSD. Behind the old “Iron Curtain” there was a disease recognized that isdeceitfully diagnosed to be schizophrenia in the West. It was called “shamans’disease” and is caused by scar tissue in the parasympathetic (muscarinic)nervous system. This nervous system is called “muscarinic” after the hallucinogenic drugmuscarine, found in the fly aminita mushroom; and, muscarine doesn’t cross theblood brain barrier. It works by exciting the whole muscarinic nervous systemand thereby overriding the inhibitory neurons in the brain. But, it is unpopularin the West due to the way it excites the digestive system.This has been kept secret by those who cash in on this secrecy, occultsecrecy. In yoga, the plexuses of the muscarinic nervous system are calledchakras, presented to the common people as “spiritual wheels of light along thespine”, but they are not in the spine, they are the major plexuses of theparasympathetic nervous system in the body.This muscarinic nervous system stimulation is called “kundalini” in yoga,and when yoga students reach the degree where they are allowed to know the truthabout their own bodies they must sign contracts of secrecy.So, your children may have only acquired scar tissue in theirparasympathetic nervous systems, which can be treated medically other ways, but,there are dopamine blockers to be sold, and, special interests want to keeptheir profitable secrets.Of course one international organization is behind this, a well knownsecret society, whose “temple” represents the human body, and whose “holy ofholies” represents where the largest muscarinic nerve, the vagus nerve, emergesfrom the brain into the body in the nasopharynx.LSD used to be used to carry out a horrible treatment called the“Clockwork Orange” treatment. Here the victim has over 50% of the brain awakenedconsciously for use. It is called by “Grof Transpersonal”, “perinatal matrix three”, andhere the victim experiences all the sufferings of people shown in a film bygoing backward and forward in time to inhabit each and every body shown,experiencing their torments as real as life.Today this is being done by exciting the parasympathetic nervous system by“waterboarding”. It was mentioned in an article about this, in a popular news magazine, that “efforts were made to have the water irritate the nasopharynx”, where the main trunk of thevagus nerve emerges from the brain, proceeding down into the body.Crucifixion also causes so much muscarinic nervous system stimulation thatthe victim will body switch into everyone he knows. God knows everyone, so it isknown that Jesus Christ is in you and I and everyone this way.When a “schizophrenic” patient has more that 50% of the brain consciously awakened (it shows on an MRI) they are catatonic, but they are out body switching into everyone and every character they have seen, even in every movie they ever saw. Less severeschizophrenic symptoms occur with brain use percentages less than 50%.The solution, to establish better treatment for our children, and fellow man, is to spreadthis knowledge to common public knowledge.
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Some of the commenters seem to think that Robin is positing a broad conspiracy. All I saw was him arguing that democracy serves a particular hidden agenda in a way which others haven't pointed out much before. That the very defect which public choice theorists point to (rational ignorance) may be extremely appealing given the particular human desire for signaling values.
It seems obvious that a mechanism which appeals to people in some way is more likely to come into being and survive than one which doesn't. I don't think Robin is claiming this is any kind of complete explanation for the existence or popularity of democracy, merely one novel factor. And one which presumably pleases his subconscious by nicely signaling his cynical rationality, which is a core value of his tribe :).