Satoshi?Why are you still using the public addresses that were published in your earliest screen shots of the interface. They are still available on the Internet Archive for you want to be anonymous, stop using these.
Have you contacted Dr. Wei Dai? This is not a fake post. Ask Wei Dai why he and Hal Finney came to Croydon on 27 Setember 2009 at 11:36 ? Who did they meet there in South London? If he can not remember or do not want to tell you the wait a bit and Bitcoin Tail will let you know all about me and my Bitcoin Project.
You people need to stop speculations and all conspiracy theories abou Bitcoin and about me. Hal Finney was the son of my Friend Dr. Lou Finney. I met Hal Finney and Wei Dai once in Croydon, South London UK in 2008. You can ask Wei Dai about who invented Bitcoin? If he does not tell then I will unmask myself. - Satoshi Nakamoto
If I would create something like Bitcoin and wanted to stay annonymous, why would I make the first transaction from my pseudonymous account to an account linked to my real world identity.
That seems to be extremely careless for someone with that background.
One of the fundamental facts about Bitcoin is that transactions are tracked in a public log. It's sort of the point of the whole thing. Granted, I don't have any in depth knowledge of how it works, but I don't see how he'd be able to spend them without it being checked. Is he handing over access to his wallet through the sneakernet, with the buyers content merely to have access while also refraining from spending?
Okay, even if that's true Satoshi may be brilliant doesn't have any known experience in AI or Machine Learning. Someone like Geoffrey Hinton, who may not have the sheer raw cognitive power of Satoshi, is still much more likely to be the team that cracks AGI. (This is all assuming per your original post that AGI is cracked relatively soon and in a way that we can basically give most of the credit to a single team).
Hinton's still quite brilliant and has the advantage of decades of experience working on AI. Plus he already has an assembled team that's been working on the problem for a long team. Finally as part of Google he has vast networks of resources to draw on, not just money but access to Google's already built huge organization of developers and scientists. I don't see what advantage Satoshi would have over Google.
Note interest in Crypto and C++. Fits the bill.I'm sure Satoshi can find ways to spend the money without being noticed, he wouldn't even need to actually shift the Bitcoins if he was clever.
Past a certain point, throwing more money at a problem won't help. The AGI project is a basic research problem where progress occurs on a more linear path, for this, I guess that $US 100 million is sufficient to progress as fast as is possible.
Note the interest in Crypto and C++. A well known regular at 'Less Wrong', but how much does anyone really know about Wei Dai? The man is damn suspicious.I'm sure 'Satoshi' could finds ways to spend the money without anyone noticing...he doesn't even need to actually move the Bitcoins, for instance he could take out loans.
So are you sure he is fake
Satoshi?Why are you still using the public addresses that were published in your earliest screen shots of the interface. They are still available on the Internet Archive for you want to be anonymous, stop using these.
Yes, my above comment is based on contacting Wai Dai. According to him what you are saying is untrue.
Are you still looking for me? Seek and you will find me. Satoshi Nakamoto
Have you contacted Dr. Wei Dai? This is not a fake post. Ask Wei Dai why he and Hal Finney came to Croydon on 27 Setember 2009 at 11:36 ? Who did they meet there in South London? If he can not remember or do not want to tell you the wait a bit and Bitcoin Tail will let you know all about me and my Bitcoin Project.
Satoshi Nakamoto
Read Hal Finney's writing. It will let you understand that he knew me and my financial situation.
According to Wei Dai this seems to be a fake post.
Given that anybody could write that message the prior for you being the real Satoshi isn't high.
If you are, sign your posts with your public key.
You people need to stop speculations and all conspiracy theories abou Bitcoin and about me. Hal Finney was the son of my Friend Dr. Lou Finney. I met Hal Finney and Wei Dai once in Croydon, South London UK in 2008. You can ask Wei Dai about who invented Bitcoin? If he does not tell then I will unmask myself. - Satoshi Nakamoto
If I would create something like Bitcoin and wanted to stay annonymous, why would I make the first transaction from my pseudonymous account to an account linked to my real world identity.
That seems to be extremely careless for someone with that background.
One of the fundamental facts about Bitcoin is that transactions are tracked in a public log. It's sort of the point of the whole thing. Granted, I don't have any in depth knowledge of how it works, but I don't see how he'd be able to spend them without it being checked. Is he handing over access to his wallet through the sneakernet, with the buyers content merely to have access while also refraining from spending?
Okay, even if that's true Satoshi may be brilliant doesn't have any known experience in AI or Machine Learning. Someone like Geoffrey Hinton, who may not have the sheer raw cognitive power of Satoshi, is still much more likely to be the team that cracks AGI. (This is all assuming per your original post that AGI is cracked relatively soon and in a way that we can basically give most of the credit to a single team).
Hinton's still quite brilliant and has the advantage of decades of experience working on AI. Plus he already has an assembled team that's been working on the problem for a long team. Finally as part of Google he has vast networks of resources to draw on, not just money but access to Google's already built huge organization of developers and scientists. I don't see what advantage Satoshi would have over Google.
Wei Dai page:
Note interest in Crypto and C++. Fits the bill.I'm sure Satoshi can find ways to spend the money without being noticed, he wouldn't even need to actually shift the Bitcoins if he was clever.
Past a certain point, throwing more money at a problem won't help. The AGI project is a basic research problem where progress occurs on a more linear path, for this, I guess that $US 100 million is sufficient to progress as fast as is possible.
Wei Dai home page:
Note the interest in Crypto and C++. A well known regular at 'Less Wrong', but how much does anyone really know about Wei Dai? The man is damn suspicious.I'm sure 'Satoshi' could finds ways to spend the money without anyone noticing...he doesn't even need to actually move the Bitcoins, for instance he could take out loans.