I guess it depends who is on the subreddit. You could try and build a community of people interested in answering this question specifically.

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To help me understand what you want better, in what ways does this not meet your criteria? https://workplace.stackexch...

I think you could create a specific tag for the kinds of questions (eg career-advice) and then try for a few months putting questions of that sort up and reposting them here. SE has upvoting.

That may not be what you want, but understanding why will help me understand your desires more.

I guess you will not like it because you wont have access to the voting data, which would interest you.

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I'd happily push it, once there is enough tech to have something to push.

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I think the difficult thing will be getting the initial community here, not the technology. Probably you should push it since you have a large community that are interested.

I'd probably recommend using stack overflow.

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I saw this site which tries to to do it explicitly, but isn't that successful- already has an expired certificate. https://www.ahoona.com/

I think some people do use quora this way.

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All a little overwhelming for the likes of me, but what an interesting site, thanks. Btw, please; take my advise! I'm not using it.

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But different subgroups may give different answers, maybe allowing us to tease out which give the best advice.

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I think "follow your heart" wins decisivelye in anonymous surveys, and I predict more successful people say it more. In other words, I don't think polling people or otherwise trying to remove the obvious status implications of giving advice will help; people have internalized this stuff and believe it.

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I'm imagining a lot of curation by hand, at least in the early days.

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I think hierarchical ontologies are hard to represent/navigate/search in a clean and comprehensible way. There was a massive effort behind RDF technologies and the Semantic Web but ultimately they did not pan out. I was filled with dread quickly thinking about how to technically implement Hanson's vision as described. To me that means either good engineering judgement or Schlep Blindness on my part.

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Might I suggest stackoverflow.com?

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hello hanson. little offtopic here.

Since you are known to be a person who has studied a little about foragers and hunter gatherers, i would like to ask your book recommendations about those subjects.

Sorry for the offtopic but i would appreciate for tips.

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Yes, decision context can include features of the people who are deciding. In addition, the decision advice can also include decision functions, which produce decisions as a function of context.

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Many others have a need for such identities, so this project might just use identities that others have created for other purposes.

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