More support for Far is Happy:
On a variety of measures, ceiling height–induced relational or item-specific processing was indicated by people’s reliance on integrated and abstract versus discrete and concrete ideation. …
Ceiling height ranked among the top three architectural details that influenced consumers’ psychological well-being.
So the higher your ceiling, the more you are happy and think in far mode.
Also, blue is far is supported by warmth being near, cold being far:
Warmer conditions, compared with colder conditions, induced (a) greater social proximity, (b) use of more concrete language, and (c) a more relational focus.
Added 9May: Yet more support:
Red enhances performance on a detail-oriented task, whereas blue enhances performance on a creative task.
Perhaps church architects have known this intuitively for some time. Are there certain types of work where high vs. low ceilings are common? Considering near/far thinking by and happiness of inmates, should we want low ceilings in penitentiaries?
High celling, blue (sky), cold = Outdoors = far
Low celling, colours red/orange (from wood fire), warmth (from fire) = Indoors = near
Seems likely, no?